Hello Everyone,

Sorry to be lurking so much lately. I'm taking this opportunity to update you on my activities to date and propose a project that I think would show the utility of RDF in the "wild". I've been playing with Ruby and Ruby On Rails for about 1 month now and have come to understand the reason why it has been getting so much attention in the development community. Ruby on Rails (www.rubyonrails.org) makes web application development a breeze. Rails is a web framework that puts into practice the tenets of "agile" development methodologies. I don't want to proselytize too much here so I'll end with a few metrics from 2 projects I recently embarked on at Panther Informatics.

Ported proteomics application from Java -> Ruby (single lines of code down by 45%)
        No Changes to database
        Exact same performance when porting

        New Development Using Rails
Developed simple web based project sign up page with e-mail and database backend 30 mins into production completely working all requirements met (amazing)

Why am I writing this list about these projects? I've found a very interesting project called ActiveRDF (http://m3pe.org/activerdf/). This toolkit abstracts away the complexities of RDF much like ActiveRecord (Rails Object Relational (OR) mapping framework) abstracts away the complexities of OR mapping. The implementation utilizes both librdf (redland framework - librdf.org) and a java based triple store called YARS - Yet Another RDF Store - http:// sw.deri.org/2004/06/yars/). I've used this library with librdf and have to say that it is quite nice.

Proposal outlines as a set of questions (comes from Panther's internal project documents):

        Q: What problems are we solving with the project?

A: The BioRDF group is tasked with producing a set of documents that show how to produce RDF from common data formats. However, the community needs to know why RDF is needed above and beyond traditional RDBM technology. I propose a web based tool, that shows this utility by taking common biological data formats (excel, biopax, mage-ml etc.), transform them into RDF and allow for query and storage using an intuitive user interface.

Q: What impact will this project have in terms of customer awareness/ community awareness around the problem/issue you are solving?

A: While I don't have any quantitative data to support my claim, an informal survey of top/mid level engineers and managers in the Bioinformatics domain shows a low adoption rate of this technology. Blocking factors for these individuals are: 1) lack of experience with the technology, 2) Unsure how/why this supersedes/compliments current RDBM technology, 3) No public resource showing how to implement real systems using current technology, and 4) Don't understand how adoption impacts development in terms of implementation, maintenance, security, and complexity (what is the impact to a project execution timeline and cost?)

        Q: How do you propose to implement this project?

A: I would like to work with the BioRDF group to produce a Ruby On Rails based application that mimics the BioDash thick client first. I'd then like to work with people to take data sets that they have already available in RDF and link them into the web dashboard. From there (or in parallel) we can take other datasets that have been transformed into RDF and show how data just "snaps in" (Eric Miller likes to call this "recombinant data").

        Q: What is the duration of the project (show metrics if you have any)?

A: This project should take less than 3 months of time - based on metrics stated above

Q: How many people are required to meet your timeline (show metrics/ data if any)?

A: I believe 3 people would be ideal for this project, 2 developers and 1 scientific lead to show the utility of the data sets that have been integrated - have no data to support this claim.

Q: Are there any hurdles/risks/blocking factors you can identify upfront?

A: Yes, activerdf is still under development although I've produced a proof of concept application to aid in mitigating this risk. Ideally we'd use Oracle's RDF storage engine for this project. Unfortunately, activerdf does not support Oracle at the moment. (wonder if Susie Stevens could help me here?). Not sure how many people (other than myself) are aware of Ruby On Rails or have experience implementing applications using this technology. This may extend timeline suggested above.

I look forward to hearing back from interested parties. Please e- mail me and the list. My e-mail:


                                                Best Regards,


Brian Gilman
President Panther Informatics Inc.
AIM: gilmanb1

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