I've been lurking on this list for over a year, so it's probably time
for me to post my self-introduction.

I work for Science Commons on the NeuroCommons
(http://neurocommons.org/), a pilot project to develop and promote
some of the ideas behind Science Commons (http://sciencecommons.org/).
The NeuroCommons is intended to be a systems integration effort, not
development, so I'm very interested to hear opinions on what the best
tools and practices are in the following areas:
  - mining text for scientific information
  - representing scientific statements and their provenance
  - RDF stores and RDF query engines, including front ends
  - RDF curation and annotation systems

I worked at Millennium Pharmaceuticals for over 3 years in the
computational biology group, where I gained some experience with
pathway databases, including the Ingenuity knowledge base, and
analytical applications that use them. I've also been involved
desultorily with BioPAX (http://biopaxwiki.org). My background is in
computer science, including software engineering and formal languages.
I am treasurer of the Cambridge Entomological Club and the current
caretaker of its journal, Psyche (http://psyche.entclub.org/). Hey,
entomology is a life science, isn't it?

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