International Workshop on Semantic e-Science
3rd September, 2006, Beijing, China. (SeS2006), co-located with ASWC2006
(Apologies for cross posting. Please send to interested colleagues and
=======Call for Papers========

In the successful series of Semantic Grid and e-Science events we
intend to bring together researchers and practitioners around the
world from the quickly developing research areas of the Semantic Web,
Grid and e-Science. As semantic technologies are being widely accepted
in various e-science areas such as life science or bioinformatics, it
is necessary and urgent to offer semantically enriched methods, tools,
middleware to facilitate semantic modeling, system building,
searching, and data analyzing in e-science applications. Former
Semantic Grid research aimed at the Grid level, in which often the
basic premises of the science-like environment are forgotten or
disregarded. Thus the main goal of this workshop is to lay the
foundations for e-Science within the Semantic Web scenario.

The aim of this workshop is to ground Semantic e-Science firmly on the
needs of the Semantic Web and general science research community. We
want to encourage and stimulate discussion about the current state of
the art in Semantic e-Science and its future direction. Currently,
ontologies and the Semantic Web attract researchers from all around
the world and from various disciplines. There have been many
approaches of using ontologies in the e-Science domain, which has been
introduced in several past Semantic Grid and e-Science events.
However, the role of ontology in the Semantic e-Science research has
still not been unambiguously formalized. On the other hand,
ontology-based tools for various e-Science branches have been widely
developed and already attracted the attention from traditional science
research community and provided real cases and experience for applying
Semantic Web technologies. We regard it as necessity to set a research
agenda at this point in time, in order to steer the development and
the research efforts in the most rewarding direction towards our
common goal of realizing the Semantic e-Science. Otherwise we fear
that effort, motivation and funding may be invested less effectively,
slowing the realization and adaptation of the Semantic Web technology
in the e-Science research. Furthermore, there is also a great
opportunity for the building the collaboration between the EU and
non-EU universities, especially Asian universities, which locate at
the one of the most active economical areas around the world. The
holding of this workshop would help to build closer connection between
researchers from both sides, and consolidate the collaborations.

Main topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Semantic e-Science Foundations:
* Semantic Infrastructure and Architecture for e-Science
* Semantic Web and Grid middleware
* Service Oriented Architecture for Semantic Grid
* Scalability and flexibility of e-Science infrastructure
* Semantic Data Integration for e-Science
* Semantic Web services for e-Science
* Ontology Engineering for e-Science
* Web Trust for e-Science
* Knowledge Management for e-Science
* Complex e-Science Process Management
* Complex Semantic Network

Semantic Web Applications and Ontologies for:
* System Biology, Bio&Medical Informatics
* Complex Biological Network Modeling.
* Geography, Environment and Climate
* Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics
* Web Service applications
* P2P applications
* Digital Libraries and Scientific Publication
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Semantic Web applications
* Information Retrieval and Machine Learning
* HCI issues and Usability
* Case study and user issues

Submission and Proceedings
Interested authors should submit an electronic PDF and source version
of their papers to *Yimin Wang* prior to the paper submission
deadline. The first page of submitted papers should include: title,
author names, affiliations, postal addresses, electronic mail
addresses, telephone and fax numbers for all authors, and a brief
abstract. All correspondence will be sent to the author mentioned as
contact person in the electronic title page (by default, the first
author). Regualr submissions should not exceed 10 pages and should be
formatted according to the guidelines of the Springer Lecture Notes.
Posters and demos should be submitted up to 4 pages LNCS format.

The workshop proceedings will be published in electronic version
online. Extended version of selected papers will be published as a
supplement issue of *BMC Bioinformatics journal* (confirmed) and
*IJSWIS* (pending to approve), depending on the different aspects of

BMC Bioinformatics is a respectable, SCI-indexed journal with a focus
on bio/medical informatics, with impactor 5.2. IJSWIS is an active
journal which has good impact within the Semantic Web community.

Important Dates
Deadline paper submissions: *June 20th*, 2006
Notification of acceptance: July 20th, 2006
Camera ready deadline: July 31st, 2006
Workshop date: September 3th or 4th, 2006 (to be settled)

Organization Committee
Yimin Wang (co-chair)
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Gemany

Huajun Chen (co-chair)
CCNT, Zhejiang University, China

Peter Haase
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Zhaohui Wu
CCNT, Zhejiang University, China

Rudi Studer
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Program Committee
Nigel Shadbolt, University of Southampton, UK
Nong Xiao, National Defense University, China
York Sure, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Jeff Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK
Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Keqing He, Wuhan University, China
Christopher Baker, Concordia University, Canada
Yanbo Han, China Academy of Science, China
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
BingLi, Wuhan University, China
Kei Cheung, Yale University, USA
William Cheng, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Takahira Yamaguchi, Keio University, Japan
Robert Stevens, University of Manchester, UK
Hai Wang, University of Machester, UK

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