> One of them is mussels. Q: what should this resolve to?

It seems that this is a VERY common problem when one has to map existing 
taxonomies and classification schemes. Many of them do not have a concise 
class-subclass structure. Two examples I had to deal with already are Entrez 
Taxonomy and the IUPHAR naming scheme of receptors. The problem is that in such 
complex taxonomies there are many different levels of granularity (phylum, 
class, genus, species etc.), but most taxonomies/naming schemes do not cover 
all of these different levels of granularity. For instance, from the IUPHAR 
naming scheme we can derive a code for a serotonin receptor ('2.1:5HT:') and 
codes for serotonin receptors 1A, 2A, 2B etcc ('2.1:5HT:1:5HT1A:' etc.), but 
there is no code for serotonin receptor 2, or serotonin receptor 4 (including 
all of its subtypes). This can be very annoying in practice.

Another problem is that many databases use more general names (e.g. 'frog') 
when they are in practice referring to a more specific thing (e.g. 'Xenopus 

kind regards,
Matthias Samwald

PS: I would guess that 'bivalvia' would be the common taxonomic term that is 
semantically closest in meaning to 'mussels'.

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