I would like to suggest that each of the proposed/active tasks begin to include a few (1-2 for now) examples of applying rules in their interest area.

These could be simply described in a few sentences to ground the problem, and then written as a brief pseudo-rule code example:

e.g., If a Gene (g) is expressed in the Substantia Nigra, but no where else in the Brain, and Parkinsons Disease specifically affects the Substantia Nigra,
              Then g's role Parkinsons Disease should be explored.

These examples could then be collected by the coordinators are forwarded or linked to the RIF use-cases. I'm sure some of the tasks are already considering how to use rules, so perhaps it's just about making the ideas explicit for the RIF WG...


On May 4, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Eric Miller wrote:

One issue I forgot to raise at todays HCLSIG telecon was the following...

The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group recently published a first working draft on use cases and requirements.

RIF Use Cases and Requirements
W3C Working Draft 23 March 2006

Quoting the abstract ...

"This document, developed by the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group, specifies use cases and requirements for a format that allows rules to be translated between rule languages and thus transferred between rule systems.

The Phase 1 version of this document presents use cases and requirements for the RIF in general. The Phase 1 deliverables will provide an extensible base with which the use cases can be addressed, but it will not be until Phase 2 that most of these use cases are directly addressed by the Working Group."

I suspect this to be particularly relevant to to this group; in particular I recall Helen Chen's F2F presentation being right on target.

I'd like to solicit reviewers for this work to help make sure the requirements of the HCLSIG community are reflected in these use cases.

Anyone interested?

eric miller                              http://www.w3.org/people/em/
semantic web activity lead               http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/
w3c world wide web consortium            http://www.w3.org/

Eric Neumann, PhD
co-chair, W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences,
and Senior Director Product Strategy
Teranode Corporation
83 South King Street, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98104
+1 (781)856-9132

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