Thanks, I like this proposal, Larry. You are right - it works now and satisfies the requirement.


e.g. db=protein&id=NP_000624

RDF tools might not present this too prettily, but they can be fixed.


On May 9, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Mark Wilkinson wrote:

I stand corrected :-)

Are there limits on the number of retrievals that can be done in a day
on these URLs?  i.e. will my domain get blacklisted if I pull in 100K
records every hour?

Yes. Don't do that. (you don't need to for the purposes I outlined).


On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 10:58 -0600, Larry Hunter wrote:
On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 09:16 -0700, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
Hmmmm.... yeah, that's true... but my "gut" does a back-flip when I am forced to use a URI that refers to a web page, complete with fancy NCBI
decorations and menu's

You're mistaken about that. If you don't want the decorations, then use
the efetch URL:

which just brings back the raw data.  Details here:

Format the query to return XML or ASN.1, and there you are.

Look, I don't think these are very pretty interfaces, either, but it is
possible to do what Alan wanted to do with no additional work.



Mark Wilkinson
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medical Genetics
University of British Columbia
PI in Bioinformatics, iCAPTURE Centre
St. Paul's Hospital, Rm. 166, 1081 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
tel: 604 682 2344 x62129
fax: 604 806 9274

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       a pipe between physical locations on the planet.
What's happened now is that the conduit has become so big and interesting
      that communication has become more than a conduit,
       it has become a destination in its own right..."

                Paul Saffo - Director, Institute for the Future

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