Eric Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/17/2006 12:33:25 PM:

> May I ask all the contributors to include HTML links to any acronyms
> they reference (e.g., NAPTR)? This will make it easier for the rest of
> us to catch up quickly, and to eventually collect the approaches out
> there into a comprehensive list of viable implementations.
> thanks,
> Eric

Quite right Eric. My apologies everyone. Here follow the recent references:

NAPTR  stands for Naming Authority Pointer [1] and is a newer type of DNS record that supports regular _expression_ based rewriting. Several NAPTR records can be chained together creating fairly sophisticated URI rewriting rules. A record can go through any number of rewrites before reaching a terminal condition.  -  this is actually much simpler than the example listed in Wikipedia would lead one to believe at first. Section 13.3 (page 26) of the LSID specification [2] has a relatively straightforward explanation of how this can work.

DDDS or The Dynamic Delegation Discovery System [3] [4]  is used to implement lazy binding of strings to data, in order to support dynamically configured delegation systems.  

SRV or Service Record Service record [5] is a category of data in the Internet Domain Name System specifying information on available services.  

LSID or Life Science Identifier [6] -  for those who want to know what these really are and what they were created  for, please read this overview


Kindest regards, Sean

Sean Martin
IBM Corp.

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