Hi Trish,

What was the specifics of the argument for alphanumeric versus numeric identifiers?

If you check out the go-format list I recently sent some examples that use identifiers of the form


Details are in http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=24431577

BTW, all of them are alphanumeric in the sense that they are URIs. But a little care needs to be taken because of qnames, etc. used in xml. Nothing that can't be worked around in a reasonable manner.


On Jul 10, 2006, at 12:23 PM, Trish Whetzel wrote:

As one note, I wanted to mention that it seems as though alphanumeric versus solely numeric identifiers would be preferred based on viewing preliminary work by Chris Mungall in efforts to translate OBO format ontologies to OWL.


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