> (who very much appreciates Susie's efforts to
> coordinate)

Ditto on that!


Quoting Alan Ruttenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Susie shouldn't take any blame for this - The meeting is
> one in a 
> series, is well announced, and would certainly have been
> rescheduled 
> if, like,  anyone with an interest had bothered to
> request it with 
> adequate advance notice.
> There's nothing particularly special about this meeting.
> If others with 
> interest in the subject want a further meeting to discuss
> things then 
> we should do that.
> Regards,
> Alan
> (who very much appreciates Susie's efforts to
> coordinate)
> On Jul 28, 2006, at 2:24 PM, Carole Goble wrote:
> > By the way I have already lodged an objection to Susie
> that to have 
> > such a telecon when many people who actually, like, use
> the stuff for, 
> > like, real are at ISMB2006 in Brazil and will not be
> able to 
> > participate. Like Doh!
> >
> > Carole

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