
What you call "covering" below seems particularly important. In my view,
there can never be one true ontology, especially in science (unless we're
done and have reached complete knowledge...if that's possible). You present
an interesting solution...


Donald Doherty, Ph.D.
Brainstage Research, Inc.


In the absence of any formal ontology that could cover all life  
sciences data records (e.g., Genes), a relational instance model might  
be more practical and appealing; A transitive rule could be proposed  
that states all data records referencing the same bio/chem-entity would  
be viewed as "bio/chem entity" equivalent, regardless of what  
ontology/rdfschema were used to define each of them:
(?data1 hcls:isDefinedAs ?ent) AND (?data2 hcls:isDefinedAs ?ent) ->  
(?data1 hcls:sameEntityAs ?data2 )

This is an example of what I had suggested as a "Covering", since there  
is no explicit need to use ontologies to map data records to common  
class-based concepts. owl:sameAs could be used hear, but  the  
'sameEntityAs' relation could have more selective meaning for this  
community in terms of data records and 'things'. I leave it open for  

I'd be interested to hear how important and practical the points raised  
here are. The main objective I have is to try and get our common  
discussion to focus on some basic, agreeable points that we can work  
together on over the next (hopefully) few weeks.


Eric Neumann, PhD
co-chair, W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences,
and Senior Director Product Strategy
Teranode Corporation
83 South King Street, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98104
+1 (781)856-9132 

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