Hi Chimezie --

Thanks for your most helpful posting.

At 01:00 PM 8/22/2006 -0400, you wrote:

Actually, I believe by virtue of being of the SHOIN family of Description Logics [1] that OWL-DL & RDFS can express this [transitive over] through role hierachies and transitive roles

So, does it remain true that OWL by itself, without the help of RDFS, cannot express "transitive over" ?

(both of which are part of [2] SHOIN: S - Role transitivity, H - Role hierarchy)

[1] http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~horrocks/Publications/download/2003/HoPH03a.pdf
[2] http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~ezolin/logic/complexity.html

I.e., instead of

:worksFor :transitiveOver :consistsOf.

you would have

:consistsOf rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty
:worksFor rdfs:subPropertyOf :consistsOf

Which would result in the same conclusions via a reasoner

I'd like to try this in practice.  Can you suggest some reasoners?

following the axiomatic semantics of owl:TransitiveProperty and rdfs:subPropertyOf (in N3):

{?P a owl:TransitiveProperty. ?X ?P ?O. ?S ?P ?X} => {?S ?P ?O}.
{?P rdfs:subPropertyOf ?R. ?S ?P ?O} => {?S ?R ?O}.

I hope to see this working. But even if it does, I'm concerned that extending this kind of notation beyond toy problems is going to result in reasoning that is very hard to check. To put it another way, the logic is very powerful, and the notation is somewhat opaque, so that a small slip in writing is easy to make and could have vast erroneous consequences -- particularly if deployed over the world wide web.

Hope I'm wrong about this.  What do you think?

                                Cheers,   -- Adrian

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