Planned Sept 14 Teleconference Agenda:
Time: 11:00 am EDT Sept 14, 2006 in America/New York for a duration of 1 hour
Phone: tel:+1-617-761-6200 (Zakim) conference #4257 (HCLS)
Chairs: Eric Neumann, Tonya Hongsermeier

a) Convene, take roll, review record
b) Propose next HCLS call Sept 28, 2006, nominate a scribe
c) Introductions - New participants since last call
d) Discuss Proposed F2F Agenda (Oct 3-4, 2006, Amsterdam) - For each task force,
who will participate in Amsterdam, what are your goals for the break-out
sessions, what are inter-dependencies and points of collaboration

- Day One
Welcome / Introductionns
Review of Meeting Objectives / HCLS timeline for 2007
Opening Presentation
Task Forces Break-out I-- BioRDF, BioONT, ACPP, Drug Safety Efficacy, Scientific
Publ Experimental Data
Task Forces Break-out II --
Re-group & Discuss
- end Day One


- Day Two
Morning Task Force Break-Out
Final Presentations by Task Forces
Proposed Best Practices Discussion
Documents to be created
Rides to airport
- end Day Two

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