>>>>> "KV" == Kashyap, Vipul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> Not at doing DL reasoning. Relational databases do relational
  >> stuff well. For everything else, they are as likely to be rubbish
  >> as fast.

  KV> [VK] Agreed! But the hypothesis is that mapping into a proven
  KV> scalable technology such as an RDBMS, even if as a component
  KV> helps build a scalable DL reasoner. 

The hypothesis is only going to be true IF the mapping is scalable. 
Otherwise, it doesn't work. 

  KV> This is what is exciting about Instance store that it uses RDBMS
  KV> and SQL queries as a subcomponent (generating candidate answers)
  KV> and then does post-processing after that.

  KV> In all the above examples, each of them had to obviously
  KV> implement something extra, but RDBMS+SQL was leveraged as an
  KV> important component.

There are two different things in the technologies you mentioned;
relational to X mapping tools, and metaschema approaches. They are
quite different. For the instance store, the relational database is
really an implementation detail. It's basically a reasoner with
somewhat limtied expressivity which is persistent and (hopefully)

Because it's using a metaschema approach, you can't do things like use
RDBMS security, for example (beyond yes/no). 

  KV> I think the SW community should seek to leverage known scalable
  KV> technologies to reach industrial strength scalability and
  KV> performance.

Sure, would agree. 


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