

We had a lively discussion at the BIONT Telecon yesterday and an initial account of the proposals is

presented below. It may be noted that the goal of these tasks it to get the activity started to the extent

that it can be moved to the “Wiki”. These task will not be “completed” by any means at the F2F.


Look forward to feedback and further refinement.






1.       BIONT- BIORDF Collaborative F2F: Estimated Time 2-3 hours

This task presumes that initial presentations by the Task Force Chairs/Coordinators have
discussed the progress in the respective groups so far, esp. the presentation of the Parkinson’s Disease
Ontology developed in the BIONT Task group. The two groups would collaboratively perform the following

(A) For each ontological element (class, property, axiom, etc.) determine which of these data sources being
     investigated by the BIORDF group would have data belonging to that element. The ontology is available at:

(B) For each data source being RDF-ized by the BIORDF group, determine which of the data can be associated
     with which ontological element in the Parkinson’s Disease Ontology. The data sources from BIORDF are

     available at: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Data

(C) Identify gaps in ontology, refine ontology based on the above exercise.

(D) Identify potential data sources needed for populating ontology

(E) Identify and “paper-design” a solution for few of the queries identified in the Parkinson’s Disease which can be

     fulfilled based on the above exercise (time permitting). The Parkinson’s Disease use case is available at:



2.       BIONT-ACPP Collaborative F2F: Estimated Time 2-3 hours

This task will take investigate various issues related to creation of a Healthcare Domain Ontology and investigate
the cross-linkages with existing standards and ontologies in the context of use cases identified in the ACPP Task

Force. The use cases are that of Stroke: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HclsigDscussionTopics/HclsSubGroupACPP/Stroke

and CABG: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ACPPTaskForce/GuidelinesIndicationsForCABG. These use cases represent

areas of clinical decision support activity that may or may not have coverage in the HL7 RIM. This task presumes that

initial presentation by the ACPP Task Force Chair would have presented the ACPP ontology:

(A)    Step through the use cases and identify the data elements referenced in the use cases.

(B)    Step through the use cases and identify information and functional requirements of a clinical decision support system,

what kind of information is likely to be required by a CDS system. This may or may not be present in the data elements

referenced in the use case.

(C)    Identify design issues and best practices when creating a healthcare domain ontology. An example list of design issues is presented at:


(D)    Identify gaps and refine current ACPP Ontology

(E)    Identify cross-maps and related content in the HL7 RIM. Note: instead of ontologizing the RIM, we may decide to incorporate
contents of the RIM into our ontology. The challenge here is how do we reference non-OWL content within an OWL ontology?

(F)    Identify cross-maps and related content in the Parkinson’s Disease Ontology.


  1. BIONT F2F on Ontology Design Issues and Best Practices: Estimated Time 2-3 hours
    Thjs task will enable the BIONT group to have a face to face discussion on refining the current Parkinson’s Disease Ontology
    and brainstorm best practices to address some of the design issues. Some of the activites would be:
    1. Discussion of the DOLCE framework (http://www.loa-cnr.it/DOLCE.html) and its relevance to the Parkinson’s Disease Ontology
    2. Discussion of the BFO framework (http://ontology.buffalo.edu/bio/OBR.pdf) and its relevance to the Parkinson’s Disease Ontology
    3. Discussion of the OntoClean methodology (http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntoClean) and how it can be applied to the identified design issues.
    4. Discussion on how the known limitations of OWL/RDF based technologies can affect best prachce designs.
    5. Discussion and formalization of certain best practice principles as identified at the F2F and of course identification of further design issues.

           Of course, Tasks 1,2 are likely to have a significant input to this activity.



Vipul Kashyap, Ph.D.

Senior Medical Informatician

Clinical Informatics R&D, Partners HealthCare System

Phone: (781)416-9254

Cell: (617)943-7120



To keep up you need the right answers; to get ahead you need the right questions

---John Browning and Spencer Reiss, Wired 6.04.95


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