Hi Helen --

I noticed your requirement ...

Now we are facing the new problem of modelling "two or more" facts of a necessary condition for "order chest X-ray" in the knowledge base.  Furthermore, doctors will likely tell you that no only they need to express "at least two or more", they also want to express "fact A carries more weight or more indicative to a diagnosis than fact B".  If we were to model these "weighted condition", we are opening a whole can of new worms, and I don't think any SW reasoners now can do reasoning on this.

Our reasoner [1] for rules in open vocabulary English is not officially blessed as a "SW reasoner", but it should easily support what you need.  Shared use is free .

Please take a look at the OWL, RDF and other examples at [2].  (You can run them in a browser at [1]).

If this is of potential interest, please expand a bit on the above use case and provide some sample (invented) data.  I'll be glad to make a demo that you will be able to view, run and change by pointing a browser to [1].

Thanks!    -- Adrian

[1]  www.reengineeringllc.com

[2]  http://www.reengineeringllc.com/demo_agents/

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