Hypertext version at: http://www.w3.org/2006/09/28-hcls-minutes.html

For your convencience, the text version is below


                           HCLSIG Telco 28 Sep 2006

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/28-hcls-irc


          Eric_Neumann, Ted_Slater, Ivan, Tanya_Hongsermeier, jar,
          [Merck], [IPcaller], +1.301.975.aaaa, Chimezie_Ogbuji

          EricN and Tonya



     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]HCLS IG telco
     * [5]Summary of Action Items

HCLS IG telco

   <ivan> expected weather in Amsterdam: min 15 centigrade max 19
   centigrade, probably fair with some occasional shower

   eric began with refinement of F2F agenda

   eric says next call scheduled for 19 Oct 2006

   <Helen> Helen will not be able to make 12

   <jimMcg> I can't make the 12th either

   eric proposed we move the next call up to 12 Oct 2006

   more on f2f agenda from eric

   update from ivan on w3c matters relevant to all the workgroups

   each of the four task forces should give a 10- to 15-minute status
   presentation, followed by questions

   alan will lead an open and spirited discussion on the URI topic

   ivan believes there will be between 17 and 20 participants at the

   ivan says there will be a conference phone in the room (quality

   <ivan> 4257 ("HCLS")

   ivan says that we'll have access to the zakim irc channel for both
   days as well

   <Helen> Ivan, assume we will have internet access on the venue

   eric says we'll try to accomodate those who can't be there using irc
   and telephone as best we can

   ivan says there will be wireless internet access throughout

   <jar> draft agenda is now on unofficial hcls google calendar

   eric says that the ontology interest group will present after lunch

   eric says resources for all f2f discussions should be made available
   beforehand on the wiki, and referred to during presentations

   susie says the hackathon is going to be around how people have
   modelled data into RDF

   ivan says dinner reservations for the first night are made at a
   favorite indonesian restaurant

   <jar> yummy

   eric says day 2 of the meeting will begin with a recap of day 1

   eric says the new Drug Safety and Efficacy task force will also be
   discussed in the morning of day 2

   eric says the goal of the f2f is to generate artifacts, tangible
   things like documents with which we can plot the way forward

   ted says it would be good for everyone to remember to mute your
   phones when you're not speaking during conference calls

   vipul proposed a brief, focussed discussion on bioont on the second

   <jimMcg> I have to drop off now - have a good time in Amsterdam

   <eneumann> thanks Jim!

   eric pointed out (and was agreed with) that some of the problems
   we'll frame are too difficult to solve during the f2f

   ivan said that the issues being framed need to be very clearly
   described and discussions reined in appropriately

   ivan and others mentioned the need to take advantage of cross-WG

   eric would like to see strawman list of things HCLS needs to
   continue to work on after the f2f

   eric said the list should not be built by tonya and himself, but by
   the group in toto

   eric and vipul agree that vipul's issues would be best framed in the
   context of the Parkinson's use case

   <ivan> Info about Amsterdam:

      [6] http://homepages.cwi.nl/~steven/amsterdam.html

   eric will be travelling on the 1st, arriving on monday, 02 oct

   vipul suggests a dinner meeting for participants on the night of 02

   ivan warns us to not eat too much herring (this to eric the
   herringophile, in particular)

   susie says abstract submitters for november should be notified by 01
   october 2006

   meeting adjourned at 11.45 EDT

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
URL: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
PGP Key: http://www.cwi.nl/%7Eivan/AboutMe/pgpkey.html
FOAF: http://www.ivan-herman.net/foaf.rdf

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