On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Kashyap, Vipul wrote:
[VK] This reminds me of a discussion I had with Dan Russler and similar to the
above sentiment, the design choices seem to be between one of the following:

1.   Modeling the action of recording a clinical information; or ordering a
drug; or making a diagnosis, ...

2.   Modeling the information required for performing the action; and the
information as a result of the outcome of the action...

The argument appears to be that the use case in requires metrics such as cost
and efficiency of hospital operations. etc. That said, one still needs to
differentiate the two and chances are
you may want to model (2) as opposed to (1)

I don't think the two approaches are mutually exclusive and I've tried to model *both* distinctly in such a way to accomodate 'proper' ontological commitment as well as appropriate alignment with information models that are inarticulate in this regard. I relate the class of recordings of actions (cpr:clinical-description) with what the recordings describe (using the cpr:description-of property). 'information required fo r performing the action' is nothing but provenance data about the recording itself:

- Who authorized the recording - Who made the recording
  ... etc ..

The 'outcome' of the recording is the electronic record itself. Certain actions 'result' in findings. For instance, a cpr:screening is a cpr:clinical-act which results in the determination of a cpr:medical-problem. The cpr:clinical-acts are recorded as cpr:clinical-descriptions:

[ a cpr:clinical-description;
  dc:date "2006-12-06"^^xsd:date;
  foaf:maker [ foaf:mbox <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ];
  rdfs:label 'Cardiac Catheterization @ 2006-12-06';
   [ a cpr:screening;
     a cpr:CardiacCatheterization;
      [ a cpr:medical-sign;
        galen:hasSpecificCause [ a cpr:CoronaryArteryStenosis ]

It will be great if Kerstin can point us to the "use cases" and metrics in the
Pharma context which would drive the modeling efforts.

Above is such a concrete "use case", I'm sure we can formulate many more.

Chimezie Ogbuji
Lead Systems Analyst
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue/ W26
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Office: (216)444-8593

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