Hi All,

I think Alan is getting at the right point here, but there is both a BioRDF component task, as well as a BioONT component task involved here.

Sorry for digging a little into the biology here, but as we discussed during the final manuscript review of the AD Use Case, ADDL is the acronym for Amyloid-beta Derived Diffusible Ligands (PMID: 16712494). ADDL represent a set of proteolytic products derived from Amyloid-beta transciption products. I believe neither of the following are clear yet:
        1) what ALL the ADDL peptides are
2) from which Abeta splice product (PMID: 7499323) they all derive (the use case currently discusses > 1 - though it focusses on A-beta*56) 3) exactly which ADDL ligand(s) are responsible for AD related symptomotology 4) exactly how ADDL expression in humans with AD and in AD mouse models compare.

The goal is to test the ability of an anti-ADDL antibody to to "clear" this toxic APP proteolytic product from the patient's CSF and brain parenchyma.

June & Gwen can help us vet what I've stated above. In particular, I believe from what June mentioned recently, it is believed a SPECIFIC individual ADDL ligand is of primary importance - and it is THIS PARTICULAR ligand many reports refer to when using the label ADDL.

As folks may know, a single type of IGG antibody binds to a specific epitope - a defined biochemcial subdomain or moeity within a particular molecule. It is possible for a single molecule to have more than one moeity to which you can raise a specific IGG. Antibodies are generally derived either as a clonal population from a single activated B-Cell (monoclonal antibodies)**, or one can do bleeds of an immunized animal to derive IGG regeants to a cornucopia of epitopes (polyclonal sera). Depending on the length of the peptide and the general chemical nature of its many biochemical subdomains, a given peptide immunogen may give rise to polyclonal sera with a very diverse set of IGGs.

In order to be effective at clearing a peptide, it's probably the case a polyclonal sera binding to multiple epitopes on the culprit peptide would be required. If the specific peptide is known, that peptide can be used to affinity-purify (or affinity-mature) the polyclonal sera, even if a combination of peptides from the ADDL set is used to raise the sera. A patent has actually been filed on this very procedure (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/20060228349.html), which is not surprising given what June has said regarding the maturing understanding of the specific ligand in the ADDL set that appears to be the most toxic.

This is some of the methodological detail we'll need to track to SPECIFICALLY address the issue of Immunotherapy efficacy. As to the toxicity issue, we'd need to be able to include relevant cytokines, growth factors, and cellular immuno entities identified in the course of the toxicity reports.

OK - I only went into that detail to given the following follow-up to Alan's comment.

There are instance-level entities (BioRDF), as well as Distilled Knowledge Resource entities (BioONT). Below I list a subset of each.

The specific MeSH entries you see below (again - just a subset of what is in MeSH for Abeta fragments) would need to be linked in a collection of triplets to ADDL:

        :ADDL :has_part :MeSH:67514245
        :ADDL :has_part :MeSH:67512364
        :ADDL :has_part :MeSH:67511651

        :anti-Abeta(1-42)               :binds_epitope_on       :MeSH:67514245
        :anti-Abeta(29-42)      :binds_epitope_on       :MeSH:67512364

BioRDF (We need to identify the use of all Distilled Knowledge Sources across these repositories for BioONT to correlate):
                APP transcripts
                        GI: 85861185
                Genomic cloned sequence containing APP CDS
                        Abeta(1-42) - soluble
                                PDB: 1Z0Q
                        Abeta(1-42) fibrils
                                PDB: 2BEG

                        beta-site, APP-cleaving enzyme 2 (GENSAT: 51947)

                        APP - OMIM: 104760

        Possibly Also:
                AlzForum: Antibody Directory
                Antibody Dtb - http://www.antibodyresource.com/
- may not be sufficiently open to be useful to us - AlzForum links to it, so they will know
                ExactAntigen - http://bin.exactantigen.com
                        - many relevant hits
                MSRS Catalog of Primary Antibodies - 
                        - several relevant hits - but requires sub

                Abeta(1-42) (MeSH: 67514245)
                Abeta(29-42) (MeSH: 67512364)
                Abeta(10-21) (MeSH: 67511651)

                the Immunology Ontology component of the ImmPort System
- they are also contributing immuno methodological entities to the Ontology of Biomedical Investigation


**Many many moons ago, I took the CSH summer course co-taught by MIT's now president, Sue Hockfield - "Raising Monoclonal Antibodies to Neural Antigens"

On Jan 21, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

Hi June,
The issue wasn't legal use - rather I was trying to point out that there aren't public databases that include ADDLs that I was aware of. So unlike a gene, which we could identify by a URI based on the Entrez Gene id, I don't know of an analogous resource to identify ADDLs. This is probably a job for BioONT - either identify an existing ontology that includes ADDLs, or generate an ontology that we could use. In some sense this isn't a technical issue in using the data for the demo, as much as demonstrating how all of it places in the larger semantic web.


On Jan 21, 2007, at 3:52 PM, June Kinoshita wrote:

I think it would be OK to use the antibody date if we include the source/credit tag as agreed upon.


On Jan 21, 2007, at 9:59 AM, Tim Clark wrote:


DS1 can be provided from SWAN beta which we expect to have out by then. At minimum we would give the RDF representation from SWAN. Right June?


On SundayJan 21, 2007, at 2:33 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

I, among others, took the action item to review the AD use case and associated data sets. Summary: 7 data sets listed. 2 are freetext/difficult to convert/query. Wasn't sure how 1 was to be used. 1 (antibody) has identifier issue for this case. 3 look usable as specified.

Please chime in to correct errors, fill in details.


In our use case, an investigator reads about the discovery of a new form of Abeta, called Abeta*56, that is reported to cause memory impairment in a mouse model of AD. (DS1 - Alzheimer Research Forum News)

It isn't clear in what sense DS1 is a data set to be used in the use case. Are we expecting that DS1 is to be represented as RDF? If so, this is something of a challenge, as it is primarily free text.

Question: Is there human data to support that Abeta*56 is involved.

A query of PubMed (DS2 - PubMed) finds a paper reporting that a form of Abeta with identical molecular weight, called ADDL, is elevated by as much as 70-fold in human AD patients' cerebrospinal fluid. A hypothesis about ADDL causing memory loss in AD is posted on Alzforum.
I'm not sure how to encode pubmed (free text + mesh terms) in such a way as to successfully make this query. The pmids for the papers cited in the HCLSIG paper, and their searchable annotations are below. I've condensed this from the XML representation of the record, specifically the <ChemicalList >, and the <MeshHeadingList>. To do this query the annotations would at least have to mention something to do with memory impairment and Abeta*56, which neither do.


Chemical: Amyloid beta-Protein, Biological Markers, Ligands, DNA
Topic:Alzheimer Disease, *cerebrospinal fluid,diagnosis,genetics
Topic:Amyloid beta-Protein,*cerebrospinal fluid,genetics,
Topic:Base Sequence
Topic:Biological Markers,cerebrospinal fluid
Topic:Case-Control Studies
Topic:Polymerase Chain Reaction,methods,statistics & numerical data
Topic:Sensitivity and Specificity

PMID: 9163350

Chemical: Amyloid,Nerve Tissue Proteins,Protein Precursors,
SNCA protein- human,SNCB protein- human,Synucleins,alpha- Synuclein,
Mesh:Binding Sites
Mesh:Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel
Mesh:Nerve Tissue Proteins,*metabolism
Mesh:Protein Precursors,*metabolism
Mesh:Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption- Ionization

Question: By what mechanism might Abeta*56 cause memory loss?

The ADDL Hypothesis on Alzforum suggests that ADDL (= Abeta*56?) disrupts LTP.
I think we have to parse free text to determine this. I don't know ho
Question: What is the mechanism of LTP, in a part of the brain that is relevant to AD?

The literature indicates CA1 hippocampal neurons, and A- and D- type K channels are involved in LTP. BrainPharm (DS3 - Senselab BrainPharm) data state that CA1 hippocampal neurons have A- channels. What's more, the A-current is reduced by Abeta.
Verified(second sentence): http://senselab.med.yale.edu/senselab/ BrainPharm/alzData.asp
Question: Would an antibody directed against ADDL / Abeta*56 restore A-current in the mouse model hippocampal neuron (e.g. in an organotypic slice prep)?

A query locates an antibody (DS4 - Alzheimer Research Forum Antibody Database) to ADDL and where to obtain it.
Could search here by name, and succeed. However ADDL isn't an entity that is given an identifier in any of the standard databases I am aware of, so we do have an issue to deal with here. Antibody db conversion focuses on proteins whose gene ids can be found.

Our investigator queries pathway databases to identify the gene network involved in IFNG regulation, and also SNP databases for differences between mouse strains, mouse and human (DS5 - GeneNetwork, DS6 - KEGG). He narrows down a group of genes and queries the AlzGene (DS7 - AlzGene) database to see if any gene association studies have shown a correlation between any of these genes and AD risk.

Verified(IFNG): Could start here for interferon gamma, which links to several pathways in KEGG. http://www.genome.jp/dbget- bin/www_bget?hsa+3458

Wasn't sure how to use GeneNetwork. Verified that Alzgene links Gene/SNP to association study.

Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA    19129
215 991 8430 (ph)
610 457 0443 (mobile)
215 843 9367 (fax)

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