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1st International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation

Affiliated with 5th IEEE International Conference on Web Services 2007
(, July 9-13, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Recent advances in networks, information and computation grids, and
WWW have resulted in the proliferation of a multitude of physically
distributed and autonomously developed Web services. The W3C Web
Services Architecture defines ``Web service as a software system
designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over
a network. It has an interface described in a machine processible
format (specifically WSDL) and other systems can interact with it in a
manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically
conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with
other Web-related standards''.  Correspondingly, the construction and
deployment of composite services by combining and reusing
independently developed component services is an important capability
in the emerging Web-based computing infrastructure.  Processes offer
key IT capabilities in businesses as well as in scientific research,
and key enabler of broad variety of applications including
e-Enterprise, e-Business, e-Government, and e-Science.  Since many
processes need to change to adjust with respect to changing computing
and business environments, adaptability of processes is also a key

The workshop will be held in conjunction with IEEE International
Conference on Web Services. ICWS is a ``prime international forum for
both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest
fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Web
services, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of
Web services.'' The workshop will complement this theme of the
conference and aims to conduct a focused discussion on one of the
main topics of interest in Web service research: service composition.
The discussions will not only bring out the current state of advances
in Web service composition but also provide valuable insights for
future research avenues and for work-in progress in the domain of Web
service composition.

Specific topics of interest include:

- Model-based service composition
- Static and dynamic service composition
- Reuse in service composition: compatibility and substitutability
- Adaptation and Evolution of services and processes
- Formal methods in service composition
- Verification of service composition
- Fault tolerant service composition
- Optimization in service composition and service/process adaptation
- Ontology-based approaches to service composition
- Secure service composition
- Elicitation and modeling of functional and non-functional requirements in
service composition
- Comparing and ranking of alternative solutions in service composition
- Software infrastructure for service composition
- Case studies, and applications (e.g., in e-science and scientific

Submission guidelines:

Authors are asked to submit original, unpublished research papers that are
being considered for publication in any other forum. Papers must be limited
double-column 6 pages and follow the formatting of the IEEE CS Proceedings
Papers can be submitted electronically via EasyChair submission management
( At least one author is required to
the workshop and present the paper. A single volume of proceedings
all the workshops (held in conjunction with ICWS-2007) will be published by
the IEEE Computer Society.

Important Dates:

Paper submission: March 16th, 2007 (11:59 pm Central Standard Time)
Notification: April 23rd, 2007
Camera-Ready due: May 1st, 2007
Workshop date: July 9th, 2007

Organizing Committee:

* Samik Basu (Iowa State University, USA)
* Vasant Honavar (Iowa State University, USA)
* Marco Pistore (University of Trento, Italy)
* Amit Sheth (Wright State University, USA)

Program Committee:

* Samik Basu (Iowa State University, USA)
* Brian Blake (Georgetown University, USA)
* Tevfik Bultan (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)
* Prashant Doshi (University of Georgia, USA)
* Dimka Karastoyanova (Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany)
* Vasant Honavar (Iowa State University, USA)
* Robyn Lutz (Iowa State University & NASA Jet Propulsion Lab/CalTech, USA)
* Ashok Mallya (Veraz Networks, USA)
* Srinivas Padmanabhuni (Infosys Technologies, India)
* Jyotishman Pathak (Iowa State University, USA)
* Marco Pistore (University of Trento, Italy)
* Tony Shan (Wachovia Bank, USA)
* Amit Sheth (Wright State University, USA)
* Biplav Srivastava (IBM India Research Labs, India)
* Hongbing Wang (Southeast University, China)

Jyotishman Pathak

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