Sorry for cross posting.

Dear Colleague,

CBRC has an opening for post-doctorial fellow to work on pathway
database and bio-ontology research.

A position is available for those who are interested in research of
pathway knowledge engineering, development of computational platform
for pathway databases; including development of BioPAX related
software, application of the SemanticWeb, web 2.0, logical inferences,
text mining and other innovative ideas to pathway computation.

Extensive collaborations with other institutions around the world are expected.

The position is based on annual contract and for two years. The office
is located in Tokyo waterfront area. Salary range and benefits is
based on AIST scale.

For details, please contact Ken Fukuda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
with your research interest, major papers, and CV.
Title of e-mail should be "POSTDOC: your name"

Ken Fukuda

Ken Ichiro Fukuda, Ph.D.
Computational Biology Research Center (CBRC)
National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
AIST Tokyo Waterfront Bio-IT Research Bldg. 10F
2-42 Aomi, Koutou-ku, Tokyo 135-0064 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3599-8049  FAX: +81-3-3599-8081
- INOH Pathway Database Project -
   - Integrating Network Objects with Hierarchies

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