This is a reminder that the March 1 deadline for the WWW2007 Workshop on Health
Care and Life Sciences Data Integration for the Semantic Web

( is approaching! We would welcome advance
notice of your intention to submit a paper. Please email such an advance notice
(optional) to any of the workshop organizers listed in the CFP below the







held in conjunction with


MAY 8-12, 2007



Biomedical researchers need to be able to access all relevant data in order to
make well-informed decisions. In order for this objective to be reached, data
about genes, proteins, pathways, diseases, and chemical compounds must be
effectively integrated and available to the scientist. Yet integration of
disparate biomedical data continues to be a challenge. Difficulties with data
integration stem from the fact that many biomedical research disciplines require
the integration of data sets that have been produced by using different
experimental/clinical protocols using heterogeneous data formats, and that are
at different levels of abstraction. Further challenges include inconsistent use
of terminology and identifiers, rapidly increasing data volumes, and the growing
diversity in data types and formats. 


In the hope of easing the effort of data integration many life science
researchers are exploring the use of the Semantic Web. The benefits promised by
the Semantic Web include aggregation of heterogeneous data using explicit
semantics, simplified annotation and sharing of findings, the expression of rich
and well-defined models for data aggregation and search, easier reuse of data in
unanticipated ways, and the application of logic to infer additional insights.


To help realize the vision of the Semantic Web, the W3C has established the
Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLSIG). The HCLSIG
is chartered to develop and support the use of Semantic Web technologies to
improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation adoption in the
of health care and life science domains. As a part of realizing this vision, we
are organizing the first workshop on the Semantic Web for Health Care and Life
Sciences Data Integration for the Semantic Web in conjunction with WWW 2007. 


The workshop will foster discussion and exchange of ideas relating to the use of
the Semantic Web for data integration in health care and life sciences. 



The workshop encourages participation from both academia and industry with an
emphasis on the theoretical and practical aspects of applying Semantic Web
technologies to the challenges of health care and the life sciences. We
encourage participation from: 

* Universities, Research Institutes and Centers 
* Health Care, Clinical, and Life Science Consortia 
* Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Companies 
* IT Solution Vendors 
* Government Agencies 

We invite papers that focus on the application of the Semantic Web to health
care and/or life sciences. 

Topics of Interest: 

*  Integration of health care and/or life science data using Semantic Web

*  Semantics of health care and/or life science data 

*  Semantic Web applications for health care and/or life science data

*  Semantic Web Services 

*  Ontology-based data integration

*  RDF/OWL data querying languages 

*  Experience using triple stores


Prospective authors are invited to submit research or demo papers in any of the
areas listed above. Research papers should be 8-10 pages in length and demo
papers 1-2 pages in length. Instructions for preparing the papers (in Word and
Latex format) are available at the following Web site: All papers must be written in English, have
the same style requirements as the main WWW2007 conference papers, and must be
submitted in PDF format via the EasyChair system
E-mail any one of workshop organizers for questions relating to the submission
of papers. 


Important Dates: 
Paper submission:                                 March 1, 2007.
Notification of acceptance:                    March 21, 2007 

Final version of accepted papers:          March 31, 2007
Workshop date:                                    May 8, 2007 

Organizing Committee: 
Kei Cheung, Yale Center for Medical Informatics, Yale University 


Huajun Chen, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University


Yimin Wang, Institute AIFB <> , University of
Karlsruhe <> 


Joanne Luciano, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School


Susie Stephens, Oracle


Vipul Kashyap, Partners HealthCare System 



For more information on the workshop, the following workshop link at the
conference Web page at


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