We would indeed data rather than web pages in order to translate into RDF/OWL and integrate into our queries.
I'll contact you off-list to talk about possibilities.

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:42 AM, Twigger Simon wrote:

Dear All,

I've been lurking on list for a while and saw this email and wanted to chime in briefly. I have a few other suggestions for some of your 'Other Resources' that we have at the Rat Genome Database. We have rat genes annotated with the Mammalian Phenotype ontology, along with a disease ontology derived from MeSH, GO and a pathway ontology we've been putting together in house. We also pull in and annotate genes from Rat, Mouse and Human where we can to try and give a broader view from the three species.

You can search any of the ontologies by starting here:

The Alzheimer's entry via the disease ontology is here: term_key=54285&ontology=do

For this area in particular we also have a Neurological Diseases portal which gives a different view on the disease data:

This data was derived from a focused curation effort looking at rat genes involved in neurological diseases and then branching out to include human and mouse data where available. Much of the human data came from our curation, Mouse came from MGD.

To get to the Alzheimer's entry you need to select:
1. Neurodegenerative Diseases for the disease category in drop down #1
and then
2. Alzheimer Disease for the disease in drop down menu #2 (excuse the typo in the menu's text)

the page should then refresh giving you graphical views of genes annotated to Alzheimer's in rat, human and mouse, tables of genes from these three species and then a GO slim overview of the rat genes.

If you need raw data instead of web pages or if we can help in any other way, please let me know.




Simon N. Twigger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Road,
Milwaukee, WI, USA
tel: 414-456-8802
fax: 414-456-6595
AIM/iChat: simontatmcw

On Mar 5, 2007, at 9:35 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:


We reviewed the use case, and then, starting in one area of the use case - the connection between ADDL and impairment of long term potentiation deficits - highlighted on page 2 of the updated use case [1] - and started to trace out a series of steps that lead towards determining relevant sets of gene and then to images of expression of those genes. Along the way we reviewed web pages and databases to verify what information was available. We then collected a list of on line databases that would enable
the kinds of queries we were exploring.

[1] Alzheimer%27s_Proposal? action=AttachFile&do=get&target=AD_PDUseCase_02-26-07.pdf


Hypothesis+Abeta -> ADDL (SWAN. Note that these areas of SWAN are not yet populated but June and Gwen are working on this).

We attempted to linking ABeta to LTP, but this did not find the requisite links. What we did was:

Go to Search for "ltp" (could also search for "long term potentiation" This is a text search, and the matches are typically against the titles of citations. Each result links to a model, which lists some cell types, some receptor families, some transmitters.

We reviewed the receptors and searched for them in NeuronDB but did not find links to processes such as long term potentiation.

--- Starting over

Go to db=1&c=122&o=5904
Links from Alzheimer's disease to  CA1 Pyramidal Neuron

Click on CA1 Pyramidal Neuron
Link to ndbEavSum.asp?id=5588&mo=4&re=

CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Extracellular Elements : Abeta (current I A)
CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Intrinsic Currents : I A. Click on I A.
Links to K+

Need to know that current of K+ is carried by Potassium Channels.

However, even though some text indicates LTP, there is no explicit link. We do have a link from neurons of interest to genes however, if we are able to look up proteins associated with potassium channel function.
Browse GO we do find these associations.

---- Approach using LTP as a key from a different direction.

There is a mesh term +Potentiation&field=entry

We can link to pubmed papers using mesh term headings. CMD=search&DB=pubmed&term=Long-Term+Potentiation%5Bmh%5D&cmd

There is also Potassium Channel +Channels&field=entry
and Pyramidal cells +Cells&field=entry

So if we have a Pubmed -> Mesh mapping, we are able to use this to navigate from mesh term to mesh term,
for example, from LTP to cell types or to channel types.

This also requires that we have the MESH tree encoded. Note, however, that this MESH->MESH links are potentially unreliable as they could be the product of unrelated discussions in the paper used to do the mapping.

--- From pubmed to genes.

We can also go from pubmed to gene. This is seen in the user interface via the "links" button on a pubmed abstract page.
e.g. db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17251421&query_hl= 5&itool=pubmed_docsum

Choose links, then gene, then you get: itool=pubmed_AbstractPlus&db=pubmed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_gene&from _uid=17251421

The mapping of pubmed -> gene is not in the pubmed records, but is kept on the gene side. There are entries in the Entrez gene asn or xml record, as well as the generifs, which associate a gene with a paper.

Along with the Gene ontology, we now have two ways to navigate from "Potassium channel" to gene.

-- From gene to brain region

We can get BrainRegion from gene in a number of ways:

Using expression data: The Allen Brain Map has, for a select group of regions and structures, lists of genes
expressed in those structures. Some of these are at:

Others can be scraped from the results of queries at http://brain- (click on the "Anatomic Search" tab)
(Alan has these)

Similarly, Gensat ( GENSAT-20050125.xml.gz) Has images associated with genes and annotations that say which areas/cell types have which patterns of expressions of those genes.
(Alan has these)

--- From Cell type to brain region.

In addition to the mappings implicit in Gensat,
BAMS has mappings of cell types to brain regions

-- Another route for getting Alzheimer related genes:

We can also get from Alzheimer to gene via Alzgene
There is a popup of genes on alzgene/default.asp, which records studies which find associations between mutations of these genes with Alzheimer disease.

--- Some other resources

We will want human to mouse gene mappings for better navigating from pubmed. Available at: db=homologene

For linking gene to protein and protein products such as cleaved proteins, June has started curating these from various sources. Uniprot has such mapping, it is only textual. See, e.g., http:// Look for the "contains" field.

Another resource for relating phenotype, process to genes is the JAX Mammalian Phenotype ontology/ Associated with each phenotype, are the alleles/genes associated with the phenotype.
For example, abnormal hippocampus function http:// page=mpAnnotSummary&id=MP:0001895

Gwen and Don will review the terms to see which would be relevant to processes associated with Alzheimers, and this gives us another
route to narrow/expand genes of interest.

Summarizing data sources which we will use for the next step of exploration. Some we have, some we need to acquire/convert to RDF.

Pubmed -> Mesh Term
GO -> Associations (Genes)
Entrez Gene -> Pubmed
Entrez GeneRif (= gene->Pubmed)
Alzgene (Alzheimer Disease -> Associated Gene)
JAX: Mouse Phenotpe -> Gene
Uniprot Gene-> splice form, gene product.
BAMS swanson-98.xml
Allen/Gensat gene->image, gene-> regions/expressed

Alan's comment: Process for conversion to RDF should be 2 step
1) Propose model, give sample entry for review
2) Upon agreement on model translate rests/load into triple store for query.

Action: Candidates for doing conversions: Alan, EricP, Matthias, Don(?) to talk and split tasks.
Action: Don and Gwen to review phenotypes
Action: June to curate trying to write pseudo-triples to make conversion to real triples easier.


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