Thanks Alan for the explanation- helps those of us not engaged in the phone conferences to understand, which is of course necessary in order to add value.

value of component research? (not sure what you mean)
Making an argument for more research investment in this particular area.

Some food for thought, for what it's worth.

- Highest rating was for universal standards (which I can appreciate), however the audience is expected to consist of semantic web enthusiasts, so it would seem to be singing to the choir a bit, which means to me a high potential for peer acknowledgement, but low potential for impact where it's needed for adoption..... unless the goal is to gain traction with developers (expect to be likely), and/or decision makers for investments (somewhat less likely).

- Appears to be highly influenced by intrinsic motivation, which is good for reaching consensus with others similarly motivated (scientists), but not with those who are extrinsically motivated (and/or charged with fiduciary financial responsibility that allows very little in the way of emotions in decision making). This could use some light perhaps.

One thing I've learned all these years in observing computing standards versus any other type of industry standard is that the platforms and budgets are controlled by those with extrinsic motivation, and in order for adoption to gain traction alignment of interests must take place.

It's sometimes helpful particularly for those intrinsically motivated (I am both btw on this topic) is to remember that the largest and most influential universal standard that affects every organization is the simple math in finance, and because of that the CIO and CFO usually have veto type power relating to adoption of technologies. Realize this is not always necessarily the case in R&D organizations where early adoption and experimentation is appropriate, but in order to address many of the goals that are obviously shared by nearly everyone, the technology must be adopted outside of the individual disciplines. I think that's clearly one of the biggest impacts universal standards can bring, but we've yet to see in a significant manner in healthcare.

The interests by virtually everyone outside of healthcare now is primarily about reduction of inefficiencies and lowering of costs (soon to be 20% of GDP in U.S. and still growing rapidly), and think it's fair to say that most are looking to IT investments in general and the Web (standards) to a less extent in providing a solution. In other words, from a broader context of benefiting society, focus on the cost side is without a doubt a priority for society.

So for example showing how much more productive a scientist can be in a very specific case, or better yet an MD in the field (sorry if this is redundant with previous brainstorming). For example, I recently saw a TV interview of an MD raving about Allen's Brain Atlas, paraphrasing: "it saves us months of work and provides a better result". That's the sort of result that appeals to scientist and administrator alike.....

.02 MM

Mark Montgomery
Founder, Kyield

The audience for the next demo is the WWW conference, who are expected to be semantic web enthusiasts. Our goal is to show them how semantic web technologies can be realistically be used, at scale, in an area of importance to our society, namely science. The submitted title of the presentation is "Harnessing the Semantic Web to Answer Scientific Questions". Much of our audience will not be familiar with the domain, but some might. On our side we want the questions to be interesting, and the answers to be plausible, even if the majority of the audience might not be able to assess that, since that's what gives us the confidence to got out there and say this stuff is useful and workable. For the audience we will want to expose what technologies we are using, and how, why we like them, what issues we have, what developments we want to see, and where we are going next. I expect that we will be contrasting what we have with other methods of getting to answers, such as google or pubmed searches, and showing that our results are more specific, more comprehensive, and easier to absorb, than the alternatives. The audience will want to see our work as template for how other areas of societal importance (and they themselves) could benefit from the technology. For some reason I keep having that quote from Blade Runner in my head: "if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes".

That make sense?

Do others who are working on the demo have anything to add (or disagree with any of this?)


ps. here's what you asked for (all my views, without deep thought)

functionality and value of languages/OWL? (5)
informatics?  (0 - given)
universal standards? (8)
value of component research? (not sure what you mean)
specific tools? (3)
And relative to- patient care? (5)
lowering healthcare costs? (I'll say 2, since the route is indirect, via better science)
more accurate/faster diagnosis? (3, same reason)
fewer errors? (6)
And/or? (Less wasted effort; more informed scientists: unlocking knowledge for computational exploration; more value for your research tax dollar)

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