Sorry for the grammar in my last post folks- fast fingers and spell check + on the run = gibberish.

I may be able to finally add some value to the discussion, and am happy to assist with papers, demo, or anywhere else if I can add value. I don't do much coding these days, but I am an expert (if anyone is-questionable) on e-commerce, e-learning, economic modeling and adoption with several notable firsts coming out of our small shop since '95 (don't be first- martyrdom is tough on loved ones). I just filed a patent amendment to our Kyield system so it will hopefully be published soon for anyone with deeper interest- brings together over a decade of work, much of which is relative to this thread.

Regarding sources- While I review a fair volume in my VC work, I don't consider myself an expert in LS R&D, much less any of the dozens of specialties within the broad area of study- they should be the primary voice on sources needed. I have received correspondence however that suggests talk and some pressure recently on the FDA in making more of their data available (from academia and corp.), which apparently many believe would accelerate prevention and therapy if not cures on many fronts. So that would be one huge example in the public sector. But we can expect that as has been the case all along, when it comes to intelligent data representing knowledge, much of it will remain private. The medium threatens many industries (whether real or imagined the result is similar), and the battles have been brutal at times.

We have two primary interests and goals here from my perspective:

1) Immediate- demonstrating the acceleration of R&D within the broad and highly complex environment known as life science. It's pretty clear to me and most engaged here (apparently) that ontological languages are already playing an essential role in this goal, but the combination of lack of sources (Alan Brain Institute addressed as shown in your example- $100 million), trained technicians, and adoption of standards remain challenges.

For drug development and genomics among others, we know that high volume data manipulation and collaboration can and do lead to accelerated discovery. A big part of the problem is one of culture, which is the most important aspect of knowledge systems in my and others' view. On one hand we have sub-cultures that will share anything and destroy organizations- and even cost the lives of large numbers of people, while on the other extreme we have sub-cultures that are so intent on protecting agency turf that it creates the same result. Both of these extremes have been evident within the same broader U.S. Government over the past few years as partial causes of major disasters- an excellent body of case history. I have made the argument with members of congress, agency heads, CIOs, etc. that our Kyield system could have prevented same, simply due to embracing more intelligent systems as discussed here in combination with equally intelligent organizational design. Lots of talk- little action.

So I argue in enterprise architecture to manage culture intelligently first and always. Otherwise the tools won't be used properly if used at all, and once cultures deteriorate sufficiently then a negative spiral of decision making can occur- and that can be catastrophic- in any type of organization.

My guess is that even private life science companies could share far more data safely than many believe, within the right structure of course. But as my old friend and colleague Russell Borland said a decade ago in one of our GWIN forums on the topic- free only works if everything is free. Sacrifice and investment need compensation as bills need to be paid. Structure matters.

One of the main themes currently in life sciences in the VC world is an attempt to show the giants that collaboration with smaller firms would be a more intelligent path. I'm thinking that this specific target would be ripe for this type of demo perhaps in showing how a similar collaboration between entities can actually lead to a hypothetical discovery.

This WG is I think doing an excellent job of helping to demonstrate the potential for acceleration of solutions with a more intelligent web, whether public, private, or some combination thereof. And I think that life science is among the best communities to target the broader technology for adoption. The industry cluster has serious problems that affect us all, not least of which is that it requires $1 billion to bring the average drug to market, meaning that very few can even begin the journey, and also very likely that most affective therapies die long before potential value can be known.

2) Mid-term- demonstrating to other clusters, including multi-disciplinary, the value of semantic technologies to life science that can then be applied to their industry or discipline. Based on my own discussions with a couple of other industry leaders, I'd say we have a lot left to be done to show the value relative to their perceived needs.

One additional comment- the cost of entry is not what matters to those of us with battle scars in IT investment. What matters is total cost of ownership, scale, and sustainability in order to achieve the objective.

- .02, MM

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Ruttenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mark Montgomery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "William Bug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Banff demo

On May 12, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Mark Montgomery wrote:

Nice work folks on the slide presentation folks. Haven't been able to access the demo, but the goal is obvious. I agree that it's a good foundation to build upon, although it would indeed be nice to have additional sources to work with. Access to sources is likely to be a perm challenge.

Well, we've got quite a lot to do in the way of making available the existing public resources before we are data starved. However, I agree that specific resources that we would like may be hard to acquire due to licensing issues. Do you any specific sources in mind?

Of course the communications on value with some will be more challenging than expressed here- I can almost hear the typical CIO's cynical reply after years of reduced budgets, 70-80% of which is required for sustaining legacy-living little if any for innovation, but R&D divisions I would hope be more receptive.

I would. I think we're at the stage of starting to show the possibility of doing things that are not available in any single public resource. Not too long from now I hope we'll be able to do things that haven't ever been done in easily deployable systems.

In terms of value, I think that the first message is that this technology is, at least to deploy, very inexpensive. Hardware to run the thing at this scale is ~3K. All the data is free, and there is an open source version of Virtuoso. On the other hand, cost of development of new resources is still high, and we are starved for people who know the technology well. Hopefully we'll help accelerate that process as we put more of the documentation about how we converted each resource up on the wiki, a project for the next few weeks.

I do hope we can more explicitly develop the value proposition to companies in the future. From my perspective, for the moment the the challenge is showing value.

Congrats- a good step. - MM

Thanks, and for your comments,


----- Original Message -----
From: William Bug
To: Alan Ruttenberg
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: Banff demo


Thanks to all who worked hard to pull this off!

It's hard to get the full impact just perusing the slides, but it looks to me that you pulled together a very compelling demo that examined several questions of biological relevance to neuroscientists studying neurodegenerative disease (AD in particular).

I also really like the list breakdown of tools to target different aspects of the overall development - e.g., Pellet, Jena, Perfuse, etc.

I think this will be a fantastic base to build off for ISMB (and SfN).



On May 11, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

I have updated the page with slides, pointers to the triple store etc.


Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA    19129
215 991 8430 (ph)
610 457 0443 (mobile)
215 843 9367 (fax)

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