
I've been reading this list for awhile and I thought it was time to
introduce myself.  I'm Mike Travers, a software developer and researcher who
has been working in knowledge-based life science applications for the past
eight years or so.  My background is in end-user programming systems,
visualization, knowledge representation, and human interface design.  Some
relevant past projects include Afferent, a system for knowledge management
in  combinatorial chemistry and other drug discovery applications, and
BioBike, a platform for knowledge-based programming for bioinformatics.
These were all pre-semantic web, more or less.

Since then I've worked on some commercial tools for semantic web
visualization, integration, and lightweight ontology construction, and am
currently an independent consultant working on a variety of semantic-web
related projects, including helping contributing to Alan Ruttenberg's LSW
software, and working with CommerceNet on patient-facing healthcare
systems.  My current interests include representing clinical and patient
information, deductive information retrieval, e-learning, targeted
information presentation and in general building flexible tools to connect
people and knowledge.

Mike Travers, Ph.D.

PS: Here is a paper on BioBike (which was formerly called BioLingua).  One
of my current goals is to bring this approach into the Semantic Web world.
J. P. Massar, Michael Travers, Jeff Elhai, and Jeff Shrager
BioLingua: a programmable knowledge environment for biologists

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