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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 14:51:36 +0100
From: Daniel Schober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: frank gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: OBI Developers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    Trish Whetzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Obi-devel] ObiBranch Workflow Diagram -naming conventions-

Hi Frank and fellow OBI developers,
The naming conventions we adhere to in OBI, MSI and PSI are the ones
being developed by me under supervision of Suzanna Lewis, Chris Mungall,
Barry Smith, Jane Lomax and others (these are all co-authors of the
paper). Ultimately we hope that in its final form these naming
conventions will be widely endorsed by larger umbrella organizations and
recognized authorities such as OBO and become part of general /best
practice design principles/ akin to those endorsed by the OBO Foundry.
Have a look at:
or alternatively look under
(OBI design principles section).

The corresponding paper is accepted for publication and will be cited by
the PSI Design principles document, MSI and OBI.
You should be aware of these naming conventions, since the initial
naming conventions document also was one of the 'foundational documents'
for the PSI design principles developed by Luisa (of which you and me
both are co-authors).
Having the 'naming conventions check' in the OBI workflow diagramm is
perfectly fine here.
    Daniel Schober.

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