                          CALL FOR PAPERS

      The ISWC Workshop on Semantic Web in Ubiquitous Healthcare
  November 12, 2007, ISWC'07 + ASWC'07 Workshop Program, Busan, Korea


Ubiquitous healthcare refers to an emerging paradigm that is gradually
reshaping the old "patient-seeing-doctor" scenario into one in which
health services and information (e.g. clinical advices and warning,
patient status monitoring and feedback, etc.) become just "one-click" away.
At the heart of this envisioned "anywhere and anytime" healthcare is
empowering miniature computing devices with the ability to acquire and
understand data in a real-time and distributed environment, identify and
locate other devices to work together by forming an ad-hoc network, and
communicate with end-users in a human friendly fashion. While the advance
in technology has prepared us with essential hardware (e.g. sensors, HCI
devices, etc.), we are facing unprecedented challenges that are posed by
the vast amount of data and the distributed nature of the new approach
towards healthcare.

Aim and Scope

The main focus of this workshop is on providing an overview of existing
ubiquitous care platforms and elaborating on how semantic web technologies
can impinge on such existing efforts. We would particularly like to invite
developers and researchers of undergoing health/medical projects to share
with us their experience and lessons learnt. The workshop topics include,
but are not limited to:

 * *Knowledge and EHR management in Ubiquitous Healthcare*
       o Healthcare knowledge acquisition, representation and
       o Healthcare knowledge modelling, healthcare ontologies,
         "lightweight" medical ontologies
       o Use-based ontology segmentation
       o EHR storage and semantic annotation
       o Digitising clinical guidelines
       o Knowledge sharing in healthcare organisations
       o Data interoperability and integration
 * *Multimedia and Ubiquitous Healthcare*
       o Medical image/vedio clip annotation
       o Medical data retrieval
 * *Healthcare services*
       o Workflow modelling in ubiquitous healthcare settings
       o Healthcare interventions modelling
       o Modelling decision making strategies
       o Device and functionality discovery and composition
       o Context modelling and context ontologies
 * *Security, Dependability and Trust in Ubiquitous Healthcare*

We are particularly soliciting short papers describing deployed systems
in hospitals and clinical centres. Developers and Researchers who want to
participate in discussion are strongly encouraged to submit position
Please state clearly in the position paper your expertise, what particular
problem you are interested, what solution you are looking for, and why
the statement is expected to be relevant to both the workshop and the

Programme Committee

Olivier Bodenreider          National Library of Medicine, USA
Srinandan Dasmahapatra       University of Southampton, UK
John Fox                     Oxford University & Cancer Research UK, UK
Horacio Gonzalez-Velez       University of Edinburgh, UK
Warner ten Kate              Philips Research Lab, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Paul Lewis                   University of Southampton, UK
Mark Musen                   Stanford University, USA
David Robertson              University of Edinburgh, UK
Daniel L. Rubin              National Center for Biomedical Ontology, USA
Nigel Shadbolt               University of Southampton, UK
Irma Velazquez               EHT, WHO, Switzerland
Takahira Yamaguchi           Keio University, Japan

Important dates

Paper submission:           5 August 2007
Acceptance notification:    8 September 2007
Camera-ready papers:        22 September 2007
Workshop:                   12 November 2007

Paper submission and publication

Electronic submissions of technical papers, short system description
papers and position papers will be accepted in MS Words, PDF. Selected
papers will be invited to submit to a journal special issue. Please visit
the main conference submission page for further information.

Supported by

EU HealthAgents Consortium
MicroArt, Spain
University of Southampton, UK

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