
About the searching for websites it rung a bell in my head and this
was what I was thinking
Its a pretty good talk.

About 5 minutes in he talks about navigational queries and cites this paper -
"Understanding user goals in web search"
International World Wide Web Conference  archive
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web

Hope that helps,

On 7/4/07, Kei Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Karen,

Your questions remind me of the following classic article written by
Robert Robbins on "Challenges in the Human Genome Project".


Although it doesn't directly answer the questions, in the "Nomenclature
Problems" section (p. 20-21), it discusses the significant problem of
inconsistent knowledge representation. It says that it's mistake to
believe  that terminology fluidity is not an issue biological in
database design. It also says that many biologists don't realize that,
in a database bulit with 5% error in the definition of individual
concepts, a query that joins across 15 concepts has less than 50% chance
of returning an adequate answer. The section also points out the
importance of formal representation of scientific knowledge in
addressing the inconsistency and nomenclature problems. Semantic Web and
standard ontologies provide a solution to these database problems. We
just don't simply convert an existing database syntactically into a
semantic web format, but we also need to do careful semantic conversion
to eliminate as many errors, ambiguities, and inconsistencies as
possible in order to reduce the costs of knowledge retrieval and discovery.


Skinner, Karen (NIH/NIDA) [E] wrote:

>Recently I read somewhere (on this list, a blog, a news story, where...?) an 
assertion that struck me as an interesting passing fact at the time.   As I 
recall, it indicated that more websites are accessed via a search engine than by 
typing a URL into a browser web address bar.
>Alas, I did not save the reference, and now I am looking for the proverbial 
needle in a haystack. Namely, what is the exact assertion, who asserted it, and 
where did they make it?  If anyone in the world has this information or knows how 
to get it, or or has related data, I imagine they would belong to this list. I 
would be most grateful for any useful pointer.
>Along this same vein, if anyone has any statistics, data, anecodotes or 
information related to the cost of
>(1) "friction" arising from inefficient or inappropriate efforts at 
information retrieval
>(2) the cost of "negative knowledge" about an existing resource or data,
>these, too, would be helpful.
>(For example, with respect to #2 above, we are all familiar with comparison 
shopping for goods and services. We seek data/information about prices and quality 
, but at what point does the expenditure of that effort exceed the value of the 
information learned?)
>I am not looking for examples at the level of a philosophy or ecnomics Ph.D. thesis, but 
rather a few examples in the sciences that can be used at the level of an "elevator 
>Karen Skinner
>Deputy Director for Science and Technology Development
>Division of Basic Neuroscience and Behavior Research
>National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH

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