The editor proposes the following agenda:

1. Review reasons for putting effort into this project
2. Review objectives and target audience
3. Discuss process (consensus and closure)
4. JAR's proposals, see
 a. Conceptual framework: descriptions, documents, versions, access, etc.
 b. Bibliographic reference analogy
 c. Retrieval ontology and well-known retrieval rules
 d. Identifiers for public database records
 e. Administrative options

For each item, I'd like to see:
 1. participants understand the issue
 2. endorsement or rejection of work so far
 3. some progress (e.g. agreeing on requirements, elucidation of issues)
 4. agreement on plan for further work
 5. individual commitments to help out

On 7/13/07, Susie M Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's a reminder about BioRDF's informal F2F meeting on Monday. Details
regarding the time, location, and agenda are available at:

Please note that the informal F2F will be taking place instead of the usual
weekly call.



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