As EricJ's recent note confirmed, and as I suspected, the problem goes substantially deeper than the issue of simply punning the record and the protein class.

The fundamental problem is that the record, having not been designed as the definition of something, isn't the *unambiguous* definition of anything.

I think this illustrates that that the principal of distinguishing, as separate URIs, the name of the record from the name of the thing, will prove to be a useful principle to adopt as a recommended practice. If forcing people to separately define them prevents an ambiguity from being introduced in even a few percent of the cases, then it will be worth the cost. If past experience is anything to go on, I'm guessing the fraction of cases where this happens will be substantially higher.


On Jul 16, 2007, at 9:31 AM, Eric Neumann wrote:


the life science community has for years applied an implicit transitivity to records of things, so that when many say:

" is expressed only in species homo sapien"

they usually imply that "the protein referenced by datarecord: is expressed only in species homo sapien"

I am not arguing for or against this "short-cut", but it is what it is, and certainly can be handled adding certain logic rules to dealing with datarecords and their content.

Consider that it may be impossible to change the non-software part of the LS community on how they think about records vs. conceptual entities that exist in the real-world (non-IR).


On Jul 16, 2007, at 12:45 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

On Jul 15, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Eric Jain wrote:

Yes, but what sorts of statements can be made using http:// as the subject? Because it can mean any of the below, even the protein class itself, how can a *semantic web* statement be made using it? is meant to be used for anything that isn't tied to a specific representation, hoped that would be clear?

There are proteins, and there are records about proteins. Records come in different formats. If I make a statement using this url, is is about the record? or the protein? How should the agent come to know?


Eric Neumann, PhD
Senior Strategist, Teranode Corporation
W3C co-chair Healthcare and Life Sciences Interest Group
MIT Fellow, Science Commons
+1 781 856 9132

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