It seems like there are more people from the W3C Interest Group / Biopax / 
Semantic Web background at ISMB than expected. It would be nice if we could 
meet and discuss our current plans and experiences.


1) The opening reception at Vienna City Hall starting on Saturday, 8 pm [1]. Of 
course there will be a lot of people, but we might be able to segregate into a 
small group when everybody is done with eating / drinking / chatting with 

I propose that everybody interested SHOULD MEET AT 9.15 pm NEAR THE ENTRANCE OF 
CITY HALL ON LICHTENFELSGASSE (map attached). Please notify others that might 
be interested but are not reading their e-mail at the moment.

I will be there. If nobody or only a very small group appears until 9.30 pm, 
the meeting is canceled.

2) If (1) fails, we could try to have an informal meeting on Monday afternoon / 
evening, maybe outside the main conference venue. This would be hard to 

3) Chris Sander also mentioned that there might be a 'Birds of a feather' 
meeting involving him and other Biopax - interested people, but I think that 
was still unsure yesterday.


Matthias Samwald

P.S.: Wearing name badges during the reception would be helpful.

> Eric Neumann wrote:
>> There are a  couple of possible times to meet:
>> 1) Saturday evening at the opening reception
> Lots of people there?
>> 2) At Matthias' poster on Sunday (2pm?)
> The poster session is in the evening, but I'll be glued to my own
> poster...
>> 3) Monday during the demo:
>> Monday, July 23
>> 11:20 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.Time:
>> Room : Hall M
> I won't be able to hang around as I need to rush off to my own
> demo...
> But maybe let's just see: If we haven't all walked into each other
> by Monday evening, we can still try to set up a specific
> place/time...

<<attachment: meeting_point.gif>>

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