> From: Greg Tyrelle
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 6:42 AM
> [ . . . ]
> Do you want to make statements about the HTML representation of the
> database records in SGD ? I will assume this is not the case as these
> records already have URL identifiers. Or do you want to make
> statements about yeast proteins/genes, where SGD is likely to be the
> authority for providing stable identifiers for said proteins/genes ?
> If it is the second case, and if I understand you correctly, then your
> problem is that currently SGD does not provide stable URIs for yeast
> genes (non-information resources, not database records), but
> nonetheless you want to make statements about these non-information
> resources now, [ . . . ]

FYI, this is almost exactly the purpose of 
http://thing-described-by.org .  It is a 303-redirect service.  For
example, if 
http://example.org/yeast-database/12345 denotes a page (an information
resource) that describes a particular yeast, then 
denotes the yeast itself (a non-information resource).

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not represent
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