Miller, Michael D (Rosetta) wrote:
Is there any chance that this will find it's way back into the LSID spec?

great thought but...

the spec is an OMG spec through the Life Sciences working group.  i3c
worked on it in collaboration with this group but i3c is dead and the
members of the Life Sciences group most interested in the LSID are no
longer members per se (not sure quite how true this is, IBM is still a
member of OMG and sean martin did a great deal of the (excellent) work
on the spec and implementation but i don't know how much interest they
would have).  the OMG revision process is quite straight-forward,
especially for something of this nature, but there have to be OMG
members interested in doing the work.
If cannot do it through OMG, maybe LSID should be moved out of OMG. No matter what, there is one consensus that is LSID won't be supported as is.


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