Apologies for cross-posting!

* ==INVITED SPEAKERS== Luis von Ahn and Oren Etzioni
* The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2007)
* http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/
* (Accepted papers: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/techpapers.php)
* 28-31 October 2007
* Whistler, BC, CANADA

The deadline for early registration for K-CAP 2007 is fast
approaching! There is less than one week left until September
17th 2007, after which the cost of registration for the main
conference increases by $150 for standard and ACM/ACM SIGART
registrations, and by $100 for student registration; also the cost
of registration for the workshops increase by $10. Currently
standard registration costs $425 (main conference) and $45
(workshops); ACM/ACM SIGART members receive a discounted rate of
$375 (main conference) and $40 (workshops); and student
registration costs $180 (main conference) and $35 (workshops), but
to benefit from these reduced rates you *must* register before
September 17th 2007. Amongst other items, all main conference
registration types include a ticket for the conference banquet on
Monday 29th October at Ric’s Grill, Whistler. For more
information about registration (including how to register), please
see http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/registration.php

While you are registering please consider arranging your
accommodation with the conference hotel, the Fairmont Chateau
Whistler. We have negotiated a special rate for K-CAP 2007
delegates of $149 (Canadian dollars) per night; a fantastic saving
so you can stay where the action is. To benefit from this rate,
you must book directly with the hotel, either by phone or online,
before September 20th 2007. Please see
http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/venue.php for details on how to
book at this rate, along with other details about the hotel, such
as its location and how to get there from Vancouver.

The preliminary schedule is now available: please see
http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/schedule.php for details.

The deadline for applications for student bursaries and student
assistants has been extended until Friday 14th September 2007.
Student Bursaries are intended to contribute to the travel and
living expenses for students participating in the K-CAP 2007
conference. We expect to allocate up to 6 such bursaries. Please
see http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/students.php#bursaries for
more information. Further, we need up to 6 student assistants to
help us organize the workshops and conference. In return for these
activities assistants will be allocated (possibly shared) free
accommodation for 4 nights (from 27-31 October) in a twin bedded
room at the conference hotel. Please see
http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/students.php#assistants for more
details on student assistants. For more details, and instructions
on how to apply please see

We look forward to seeing you in Whistler!

Relevant Links K-CAP 2007 Website:
http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/ K-CAP 2007 Registration:
http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/registration.php K-CAP 2007 Venue
Information: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/venue.php K-CAP 2007
Schedule: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/kcap07/schedule.php


Dr. Jeff Z. Pan (http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~jpan/)
Department of Computing Science, The University of Aberdeen

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