Hello ontologyonline (do you have name? :)

I did a quick poke and was surprised to see that there seem to be no hits on one of top gene ontology categories, molecular_function[1]

Perhaps you could walk through how you use the ontology for search in this case, which could elucidate why we don't get any hits.


[1] http://ontologyonline.org/visualisation/c/GeneOntology/ molecular_function/

On Sep 28, 2007, at 12:30 PM, ontologyonline wrote:

at ontologyonline we are experimenting with ontologybased searches:
cfr. http://ontologyonline.org/visualisation/Browse.jsp? ns=GeneOntology&kn=a
search does yet not utilize the ontologies maximally, but that is
expected to improve in the future.
see the blog entry http://ontologyonline.blogspot.com/2007/09/why- we-need-semantic-web.html
as well.

On 11 sep, 04:41, JP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just want to have more information about Intelligent Searches usign
Ontologies, I've been looking for information about this topic but I
can't find anything usefull.

Thanks a lot

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