Jonathan Rees wrote:
This isn't academic. The Library of Congress trashes the http: scheme
[1] in the same way that the LSID spec does - they say it's no good
because URIs are locators (first answer) instead of "identifiers"
(references; second answer). The justification for using http: for
literature reference, even in the best of circumstances, has got to be
better than "trust me" or "it usually works" or "you're being anal".


Note that they "trash" both the URL and the URN scheme for -- unlike the "info" scheme -- implying resolvability. In practice, people will know that you can resolve an "unresolvable" URI such as info:arxiv/hep-th/9901001 to, so the main difference I guess is that with "info" URIs the resolution is non-standard and namespace-specific...

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