I went to:


and did a set of searches, then looked at the fields they used;

Many of the fields are described, but not used (i.e. there are no instances which have some data in these fields).

Doing this shows that the vast majority of the data lies in MRI/PET, rather than anything else (MRA, etc.)



Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Ok. From which document did you get the information about the particulars of the schema you mention?

On Oct 15, 2007, at 4:27 AM, Matt Williams wrote:

No, I didn't - chasing down images themselves seems prohibitive at this time, given constraints.

I would agree with your reading of the terms of use.


Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Did you go through the application for access to get this information? Looks like the terms of use would prohibit our publishing any of the content in a demo. Is that your read too?
On Oct 5, 2007, at 4:22 AM, Matt Williams wrote:

Dear All,

This is to try an sketch the outlines of the data that seem to be available in ADNI/ LONI, and so solict requests for additional info.

The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) maintains an image database (LONI) of imaging of patients, phantoms and volunteers.

Image types include MRI, fMRI, SPECT, PET, CT and MRA. Some types appear to have no instances (e.g. fMRI, CT, SPECT).

Each individual is described by an ID number, a type of subject (Patient/ Volunteer/ Phantom), Sex, Age (as a decimal e.g. 87.4) and Weight.

However, the age of a patient can change; this is presumably to allow for different scans at different times

Images are described according to type of imaging; Each subject (typically) has multiple images. Some choices are given below.

Weighting (T1, T2)
Thickness (in mm)
Acquisition Plane (Axial, Coronal, Sagittal)
Field Strength (1 - 6)
Coil (8HRBRAIN, BODY, etc.)

Manufacturer (Philips, GE, etc.)

There is then the facility to download images to view (although you need more permission than I have to do this).

Please let me know if this helps fill in some of the details, and what else you would like to know.


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