Thanks Eric!


On 11/1/07, Eric Prud'hommeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences IG
> 1 Nov 2007
>    See also: [2]IRC log
> Attendees
>    Present
>    Regrets
>    Chair
>           Eric Neumann
>    Scribe
>           ericP
> Contents
>      * [3]Topics
>          1. [4]URI Note
>          2. [5]f2f invitations
>          3. [6]HCLS demo
>          4. [7]f2f Goals
>      * [8]Summary of Action Items
>      __________________________________________________________________
>    next call: 15 november, chari: Tonya, scribe: Eric_Neumann
> URI Note
>      * [9]current working draft
>      * [10]longer term working draft
>    jar: goal: get HCLS to bless a URI note
>    ... shoorting for end of Dec when charter expires
>    ... missing probably not a disaster
>    ... need this group to decide to put up a draft
>    ... will continue to work in situ
>    ... needs a week to meet publishing practice
>    ... needs TOC and refs
>    <alanr> :)
>    jar: also have list of 50-60 little things to do before pub
>    ... e.g. align with other document terminology
>    ACTION: jar to announce URI Note to hcls list on Monday [recorded in
>    [11]]
>    jar: would like folks to look at the doc before Fri
>    ... will do a presentation at f2f
>    ... would like WG to decide (at f2f) to publish subject to finite
>    modification list
>    eneumann: would like folks to think about this being an HCLS document
>    jar: i would expect 2-3 round of review between 9Nov and 31Dec
>    eneumann: shall we contact the comm team and do a press release?
>    Susie: could write a blog on the homepage (picked up by PlanetRDF so it
>    gets some visibility)
>    eneumann: do you think IUPAC would consider this note for identifiers
>    in the chem domain?
>    tnbhat: i am working woth Royal Society of (for?) Chemistry
>    ... [X] seems to like our way of doing this [assigning identifiers]
>    ... need a rule based approach to be appropriately scalabale
>    ... in that way, INCHI helps
>    eneumann: we want to circle back with these orgs at the appropriate
>    time
>    tnbaht: will contact [Y] when i have more work done on the protien
>    database
>    jar: the URI note talks about good practice -- very meta
>    current plan: jar will edit URI Note in situ and we will copy out only
>    when we publish
>    <jar> doc is highly labile. don't read it this weekend
>    <jar> read it on monday
>    eneumann: y'all, please read the note
>    <jar> yes, do read it, but wait until monday so that everyone's
>    reviewing the same version. i will be pushing out 1-2 new versions
>    daily until monday
>    <jar> status of TAG scheduling situation: Stuart put a query out on Oct
>    29 asking generally who could/couldn't make it on Mon or Tue. Answers
>    from Raman and me. No further traffic so far. So not known whether it's
>    to be thursday, mon, or tues.
> f2f invitations
>      * [12]COI (f2f) Agenda
>      * [13]HCLS F2F Agenda
>      * [14]JANUS
>      * [15]CRIX JANUS page
>      * [16]caBIG Reporting and Sharing
>      * [17]Yahoo Events W3C Technical Plenary Week page
>    vipul: moving towards a motivating proof of concept
>    ... based on reg info, i've characterized the list of participants
>    ... goal is to get buy-in from them and move on to the next step
>    ... all participants are equal, but some are more equal than others
>    ... would saying so violate W3C rules?
>    ericP: no, but it helps to justify your choices
>    alanr: moderator can encourage health care providers to give input
>    vipul: a fellow from seimmans (SP?)
>    ... energy from Cisco. any contacts at W3C?
>    ericP: only know of video players at Cisco
>    [Susie expressed knowledge of Cisco hc activity]
>    ACTION: eneumann to contact Robert Vanmanen from Face Forward [recorded
>    in [18]]
>    vipul: also heard from marcus collins
>    <Susie> It's Robert Van Manen from Phase Forward
>    vipul: [Z] from CDISK will miss Thu
>    alanr: Mike Bevil (Merck) may get someone to come
>    <jar> ericp, fwiw, i think i'm supposed to tell vipul how to
>    recategorize science commons for his coi wiki page - i think this is an
>    action item
>    vipul: start with introduction (ericN and Tonya)
>    ... use case (30 mins): where semweb can help with patient recruitment
>    ... use case will be presented by Rachel
>    ... followed by detailed clinical model
>    ... chimezie will present his semantic @@ system
>    ... @@
>    ... round table brainstorming session
>    ... hit on 3:
>    ... .. resources commitments
>    ... .. getting de-identified patient data
>    ACTION: Vipul to contact Steven Dobsen of Pfizer [recorded in
>    [19]]
>    <mscottm> Isn't Pfizer in Boston?
>    <alanr> some
>    vipul: .. deveoper resources (like science commons did for the Banff
>    demo)
>    Susie: agenda looks wonderful. could you link it in?
>    ACTION: vipul to link main f2f agenda page to COI agenda page [recorded
>    in [20]]
>    alanr: let's spread out during breaks and collect ideas
>    ACTION: vipul to send notes and/or phone desired contacts [recorded in
>    [21]]
>    vipul: will be putting up slides on agenda wiki
>    ... please comment as to wether they address benifits to stakeholders
>    eneumann: did you consider the JANUS project?
>    <Susie> [22]Jeff Rideout is the guy I came across at Cisco
>    ACTION: eneumann to ask Mark Vermette to show up [recorded in
>    [23]]
>    alanr: make sure you Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] so she can register anyone you
>    invite
>    vipul: need a local for brainstorming session
>    ericP: bar, resto, Stata Center (1.1 miles)
>    we may be meeting the TAG at this time
>    vipul: feel free to change the wiki. (try not to delete stuff)
>    <alanr> Do we want to ask John Barkley?
>    <alanr> Wasn't he at NIST?
>    ACITON: ericP to check with Amy to see if it's useful for W3C to
>    request a restaurant res for 10 people
>    <alanr> I worry 10 will be too few unless invitations are managed
>    Susie: Jeff Rideout manages internet solution business groups
>    <alanr> 7 people are on vipul's list already, and that only includes a
>    couple of invitees
>    Susie: Kevin Dean is the interim health care guy
> HCLS demo
>    alanr: weekend project is to prepare that presentation
> f2f Goals
>    vipul: i want to buy in and push the use case all the way to PoC
>    alanr: might be difficult in a half day
>    ... getting folks interested in talking next week might be good enough
>    ... pushing may result in nodding agreement
>    eneumann: anyone want to get together early on thu? or shall we wait
>    'till after lunch...
>    alanr: AC meeting is that AM. eneumann, alanr, ericP, Susie, Vipul
>    likely to be at AC
>    <jar> busy until noon, available for lunch
>    alanr: could meet for b'fast
>    <alanr> jar @ AC too, for SC
> Summary of Action Items
>    [NEW] ACTION: eneumann to ask Mark Vermette to show up [recorded in
>    [24]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: eneumann to contact Robert Vanmanen from Face Forward
>    [recorded in
>    [25]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: jar to announce URI Note to hcls list on Monday [recorded
>    in [26]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: Vipul to contact Steven Dobsen of Pfizer [recorded in
>    [27]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: vipul to link main f2f agenda page to COI agenda page
>    [recorded in
>    [28]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: vipul to send notes and/or phone desired contacts
>    [recorded in
>    [29]]
>    [End of minutes]
>      __________________________________________________________________
>     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [30]scribe.perl version 1.128
>     ([31]CVS log)
>     $Date: 2007/11/02 00:28:58 $
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.
>    6.
>    7.
>    8.
>    9.
>   10.
>   11.
>   12. 
>   13.
>   14.
>   15.
>   16. 
>   17.
>   18.
>   19.
>   20.
>   21.
>   22. 
>   23.
>   24.
>   25.
>   26.
>   27.
>   28.
>   29.
>   30.
>   31.
> --
> -eric
> office: +1.617.258.5741 NE43-344, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02144 USA
> mobile: +1.617.599.3509
> Feel free to forward this message to any list for any purpose other than
> email address distribution.
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