Hi Peter

> Yahoo Pipes (http://pipes.yahoo.com) is a reasonably nice interface
> for mashing up semantic web content, and if combined with a nice set
> of RDFisers for the rest of the web could be the direction for linking
> the web together. Extensions using their framework, could be made up
> for any number of subject areas, as long as they havn't presumed RSS
> to be the only usable format at too deep a level.

they have..

> Pipes.deri.org looks reasonably confusing... If they had a graphical
> interface it would be more obvious whether there were pipes in it, as
> right now it just looks like a web (text) editor for low level XML

I believe that the XML is really trivial, the text on the homepage
should really be clear.
If you confidently can say you read it and something is still unclear
i will be happy to improve as needed.

As far as the advantage of the model, pipes are handy to do specific
information aggregation tasks, e.g. you might want to do an RDF pipe
about somebody you might want to aggregate his foaf file, his DBLP and
or pubmed pubblications, his dbpedia page (if he/she is a famouse
scientist.) . These sources use different URIs.. so a pipe can
accomodate that (just put transformation blocks)

the result is an RDF model calculated on the fly. If the person
publishes a new paper, it wil lbe reflected in theo output of the
pipe, if a nobel prize is won, it will be in the dbpedia page so it
will show in the pipe.. if a new friend is made and the foaf file is
updated, it will also be in the same RDF. So its plumbing.. yes. but
will save a lot of time rather than the alternative.. e.g. hand coding
java or whatever to do the same thing.


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