At 05:53 PM 11/12/2007 +0100, Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote:

>To the maintainers of this list:  consider configuring the list so that 
>messages sent to it have a prefix like [semweb-lifesci] automatically added to 
>the subject line, as it is often the practice with other lists.  It helps 
>filtering, sorting, and maintaining the inbox.

Our Systems Team has fielded this request many times.
Please see "Subject tagging for W3C lists" [1].


Note, in particular,

   "All messages distributed by our mailing lists are sent with a
   List-Id header identifying the list, e.g. for www-html:

      List-Id: <>

   This is the standard way to identify a mailing list, per RFC 2919."

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