Begin forwarded message:

From: "Peter Yim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 20, 2007 6:40:59 PM EST
Subject: [ontolog-invitation] Semantic Interoperability in Health Informatics: Lessons Learned - Panel Discussion - Thu 2008-01-10

   ************************ Headlines ************************

The Ontolog Forum is featuring a panel discussion early in the New Year:

   *Thu 10 January 2008* - Mr. Marc Wine will be moderating an expert
panel that includes Professor Saul Rosenberg, Dr. Mike Cummens, MD and
Mr. Rex Brooks, who will share with us: "Semantic Interoperability in
Health Informatics: Lessons Learned"

   Register your attendance by emailing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> offline

   ******************** Details ************************

Your are cordially invited to join us at this upcoming Ontolog (virtual) event.

The online Ontolog events are open and free of charge. Anyone who is
interested, or (better still) who may have something to contribute, is
welcome. Refer to individual event details on their respective session
pages. The links are given below, where you will find session agenda,
presentation abstract, conference call dial-in and other pertinent
details .

   *Thursday, 6-December-2007* - Mr. Marc Wine (GSA) and co-author of
the recently published book "Medical Informatics 20/20: Quality and
Electronic Health Records through Collaboration, Open Solutions, and
Innovation" will be moderating an expert panel that includes Professor
Saul Rosenberg (UCSF), Dr. Mike Cummens, MD  and Mr. Rex Brooks
(Starbourne Communications, OASIS & NCOR). Building from a recent work
of theirs that focuses on using semantic interoperability and
ontologies in electronic health records (EHRs) for Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury (PTSD/TBI) Clinical
Decision Support Systems, the panel will take us through a discussion
entitled: "Semantic Interoperability in Health Informatics: Lessons

... Please refer to details at the session wiki page at:


The issues surrounding the evolution of practical Semantic
Interoperability in Health Informatics are complex, and complicated by
the lack of Information Technology uptake in the Healthcare community
at large. In Medical Informatics:20/20 the authors, including
moderator Marc Wine have examined the clinical issues in depth. Marc
will give us a summary in his introduction to this session.

Mike Cummens, MD worked on the Northrop Grumman NHIN group prototype
and will discuss what he learned working on the Terminology Service
Bureau component of the prototype. Mike will also discuss the specific
problems of adequately translating Electronic Health Records produced
by one system such as the VA or the Military Health Medcin system to
another system such as Epic. Because this factor is amplified by the
interoperability issues of moving data between diverse platforms and
operating systems, not only must there by translation between specific
applications that may or may not share common standards, but also
between combinations of platforms and operating systems, exponentially
enlarging the problem before considering the problems of scalability
in performance across such boundaries.

Saul Rosenberg (UCSF) has developed a new concept for the diagnosis of
brain injury and PTSD, and discovered along the way that he needed a
new vocabulary standard. Having the opportunity to start fresh unlike
a great deal of medical terminology and nomenclature developed before
the widespread distribution of Information Technology, he nevertheless
faces interoperability challenges. He will discuss what he has learned
in exploring what will be needed to move his concept forward.

Rex Brooks approaches the field of Health Informatics from the IT side
of these issues and is building a SOA Registry-Repository for the
domain of Health Informatics that includes Service Providers,
Services, Standards and Standards Development Organizations as well as
guidance on how to implement Standards effectively and understand how
to assess and select ontologies by groups such as the National Center
for Ontological Research.

   *RSVP* by by emailing me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> offline so that we
can prepare enough resources to support everyone. (Kindly include your
affiliation and job title if you aren't already a member of the
Ontolog community.) Before participating, please also make sure you
are aware of our IPR policy (ref:

Regards. =ppy

Peter P. Yim
co-convener, Ontolog

P.S. Please note that we are taking a break between now  and New
Year's Day. See our listing of other exciting events at Ontolog that
we have planned for the New Year, under our "News & Announcements"
section at:

In particular, there will be a planning meeting (conference call) on
an possible Open Ontology Repository initiative on 03-Jan-2008. Those
who are interested to participate and contribute are welcomed to join.
See details on the session page at:

In the mean time, Happy Holidays, Everyone!

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