On Feb 12, 2008, at 11:07 PM, Ernest wrote:

Sorry this is probably obvious to everyone but for the query below, where can we run it? or what can we run it against? I think Kei and I are unclear if there is a sparql endpoint that we can use or is there an owl file containing all this data that we can download?

You can both download it and/or run it.

Sparql endpoints:
* http://hcls.deri.ie/sparql
* http://sw.neurocommons.org:8890/sparql

http://sw.neurocommons.org/2007/kb-sources/ (I expect there will be a durable version on the w3c site soon)
gene-owl.tgz is the entrez gene info.
The other files are there too - let me know if it isn't clear which you need to do some query.

Note the dates of the files - they are not current. We're working on putting in to place a system that keeps our endpoint up to date.




Alan Ruttenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Feb 12, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Kei Cheung wrote:

> Also, I have a question regarding retrieval of entez gene
> information including gene ids, symbols, and snyonyms. Is such
> information available from the HCLS KB and/or RDF entrez gene
> dataset that Olivier's group had created?

Here is a query that returns the uri, species, and name (we don't
distinguish between name, symbol, or synonym currently)

prefix xsd:
prefix dc:
prefix sc:
prefix rdfs:
select ?g ?taxon ?title
{ graph
{ ?g sc:describes_gene_type ?type.
?g dc:title ?title.
?g dc:identifier "6780"^^xsd:string.
?g sc:from_species_described_by ?taxon
http://purl.org/commons/record/ncbi_gene/6780 http://purl.org/commons/
record/taxon/9606 FLJ25010
http://purl.org/commons/record/ncbi_gene/6780 http://purl.org/commons/
record/taxon/9606 STAU
http://purl.org/commons/record/ncbi_gene/6780 http://purl.org/commons/
record/taxon/9606 STAU1
http://purl.org/commons/record/ncbi_gene/6780 http://purl.org/commons/
record/taxon/9606 staufen, RNA binding protein, homolog 1 (Drosophila)

There are some more queries at http://tinyurl.com/yq7xyo

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