On Saturday 02 August 2008, Tudor Groza wrote:
> We are currently conducting an online survey on reading habits. The
> purpose of the survey is to understand some of the usual habits that
> researchers have while reading scientific publications and to learn
> about the necessary steps to be taken for improving the reading
> experience.
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Y8zPpypLt1tC9SeVE8ZyAw_3d_3d

Tudor: not all PDFs come with the representative LaTeX used to generate 
the PDFs in the first place. How is your Semantically Annotated LaTeX 
(SALT) framework supposed to work in those situations?

I admit that I intensely read papers -- I run my dorm room with multiple 
monitors and multiple internet connections with most of my time 
crawling through paper repositories and so on. I even have my own 
implementation of the 'Semantic Search Facilitator' (AutoGoogler) to 
complement AutoScholar, my automatic paper retriever that uses Google 
Scholar as a layer to (most) journals. 

One of my (personal) projects is to do some annotation of crappy PDF 
papers via overlays and drawable widgets in real time so that I can 
take notes and do weird things while reading, regardless of whether or 
not the paper has text or if it's just a big list of images linked 
together to make up each page. But if SALT has a way to take care of 
the case where (1) there's no LaTeX and (2) there's no text in the PDF, 
then I'm all ears. :-)

- Bryan
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