Peter Ansell wrote:
I hadn't looked at DERI pipes for a while, but it has improved a lot since last time. It would be nice to get to the stage where the control flow can be supported in the same way as Yahoo Pipes. I wonder if Yahoo Pipes will eventually support SPARQL and RDF in the same way they support Atom etc now. Does anyone know whether can DERI pipes be output in a way that Yahoo Pipes (or another mashup tool) can use for input?

Yes, you can use the output of a DERI Semantic Web Pipe as an input for a Yahoo Pipe, e.g., by telling Semantic Web Pipes to generate JSON, which can be processesd by Yahoo Pipes. An example for this is

Danh Le Phuoc (CCed) can give you more detailed answers if required, he is the lead developer of Semantic Web Pipes.

Matthias Samwald
DERI Galway, Ireland // Semantic Web Company, Austria

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