Duncan Hull wrote:

Hello Kei

Glad you liked the article.

On 20 Aug 2008, at 14:27, Kei Cheung wrote:

"To my knowledge, there is currently only one project that aims to bring the pure semantic web to biomedical research. That project is the Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol (SSWAP30)"

It's nice that Nature allows the community to add descriptions about our various projects on the wiki page associated with the article [2]; unfortunately, though, most readers of the original article will probably not have a look at that wiki.

Nature seems to allow one to write correspondence (1 page) to comment about matters arising from research papers. See:


I think in this case, this is what the wiki is for. So if Lincoln Stein has not told the full story, people could try adding the appropriate details to http://nrgwiki.nature.com/cyberinfrastructureforbiology/show/HomePage

I see Susanna and Eric Jain have already contributed

Also, if anyone is having trouble accessing the original article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrg2414 , as a "featured article" it should be available free (for the first month only), provided you sign in at http://www.nature.com/foxtrot/svc/login

Some discussion on this over at Nature Network too



Hi Duncan et al.,

It looks like there are a number of ways for commenting on the paper. I don't know if Lincoln Stein is reading this list. If not, it may be worth contacting him to see if he is aware of the HCLSIG activities and to let him know that we found his paper interesting and have some constructive comments for his paper. If he thinks it's OK for us to submit a short correspondence (<1 page including references) to Nature, we may contact the Editor of Nature Genetics to see if such a correspondence would be of interest to them. Otherwise, we can just relay the comments via the Wiki and/or Nature Network. Please let me know what you think.



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