Thanks for sharing the papers, Eric. I went through some of the papers including the one you mentioned (interestingly there is a paper on wiki). I think they're interesting. They reminded me of "mining for the semantic web" (ontology learning?) and "mining from the semantic web" (data mining). For biological networks, we need to do both semantic and topological queries. It might be difficult to achieve the latter using SPARQL (e.g., finding protein hubs). Maybe we need some extensions of SPARQL.



eric neumann wrote:

Below is the reference and link to the paper (presented at Bio-Ontologies, ISMB 2008) I mentioned during last week's HCLS call...

Angela X. Qu et al.
"Tamoxifen to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:Constructing a Semantic Infrastructure to Enable Mechanism-based Reasoning andInference from Drugs to Diseases"

The paper can be found along with others in

What I think is worth noting in this paper, is that in addition to SPARQL-endpoints and ontologies, there are additional ways of finding patterns and mining information from RDF structures based on graph-theoretic methods.

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