Today's BioRDF minutes are available at:

Thanks to Susie Stephens and Eric Prud'hommeaux for scribing.

Also thanks to Maryann Martone and Erick Antezana for giving very informative presentations which are complementary to the last presentations on UMLS and BioPortal. Today's presentations involve specific domain areas including neuroscience and systems biology. The links for downloading the slides are included in the minutes.



Kei Cheung wrote:

Hi all,

This is a reminder that the BioRDF telcon will be held at 11 am (ET) on Monday, October 6 (see details below).



== BioRDF Telcon Details ==

* Date of Call: Monday October 6, 2008

* Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time

* Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)

* Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)

* Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)

* Participant Access Code: 246733 ("BIORDF")

* IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #BioRDF

* Duration: ~1 hour

* Frequency: bi-weekly

* Convener: Kei Cheung

== Agenda ==

* Roll call and introduction

* Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) presentation (Maryann Martone, UCSD)

* BioGateway presentation (Erick Antezana, Ghent University)

* Q&A

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