Because of confusion and complexities in dealing with the bridge, we'd
like to move all of the telecons to the same irc channel and same
conference code. Terminology overlaps with Scientific Discourse, so
we'd like to leave Terminology with its current access code and
propose the irc channel #hcls2 for bridge and queue management.

Our current teleconference schedule has:
  Group                                  Time (UTC) Code   IRC    
  BioRDF                                 Mon 1500   BioRDF #BioRDF
  Clinical Observations Interoperability Tue 1500   BioONT #hcls  
  Linking Open Drug Data                 Wed 1500   HCLS   #hcls  
  HCLSIG                                 Thu 1500   HCLS   #hcls  
  Scientific Discourse                   Fri 1500   HCLS   #hcls  
  Terminology                            Fri 1500   TERM  

The groups affected by the change are:
  COI: current access code: 24668 ("BIONT")
  BioRDF: current access code: 246733 ("BIORDF"), current channel: #BioRDF
For these groups, the access code will be 4257 ("HCLS") and the irc
channel will be #hcls. has been updated to reflect this.
If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please let us know before we all
imprint on the new times.

office: +1.617.258.5741 32-G528, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02144 USA
mobile: +1.617.599.3509

Feel free to forward this message to any list for any purpose other than
email address distribution.

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