
I am an IT professional in Boehringer-Ingelheim. My primary interests is to
see how we can use the semantic technology to "ease" our pain on the
overwhelming data -- how do we manage and mine those data. I have biology
background and have been working in computer fields for 10 years. I will try
to attend the telecon when the schedule permits.

I am very excited to be on the group and learn from the masters and solve
some real-world problems.



On 3/6/09, M. Scott Marshall <marsh...@science.uva.nl> wrote:
> Several new people have joined HCLS IG http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/lately. 
> Welcome! We have a tradition of sending an Introduction so the
> mailing list to help participants get to know each other and find common
> interests. Would those of you who haven't yet done so please send an
> introduction to the list? The introductions to date are archived here
> (thanks to Duncan Hull's initiative):
> http://esw.w3.org/topic/Introductions
> If you are new to HCLS IG, be sure to look at
> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG. There you will find an overview of the
> group's task forces. Each task force meets either weekly or bi-weekly in a
> teleconference. Time and day of the week, as well as access instructions are
> on the main wiki page for each task force.
> The use of IRC and Zakim (a teleconference bridge) help 'telcon'
> participants to more easily communicate and capture information. Below, you
> will find some information that will help you to make the most of our online
> teleconferences.
> Best,
> Scott
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ++++
> ++++
> * If you do not have an IRC client installed on your computer, you can get
> one of the many free one (search "irc client" and your platform), or you can
> use a web-based client.
> One possible web-based client you might try is Mibbit (
> http://www.mibbit.com/chat/). If you use mibbit, fill out the blanks like
> this: you need to click on "Server" (highlighted in red in attached image)
> to reveal the "Server address" field. NOTE: this meeting will use the "hcls"
> channel, NOT "hcls2" as seen in the attached screenshot.
> (Note that I suggest using port 80 from mibbit. The W3C irc server supports
> this, and it neatly bypasses enterprise firewall issues that many users seem
> to be having with port 6667.)
> +++++
> Zakim
> +++++
> Teleconferencing at the W3C is based on a customized telconferencing
> system called Zakim [3][4]. Zakim is combined with IRC to facilitate a
> meeting with a set of services including tracking of speaker queues,
> registering names to caller's telephones, and generating transcripts of
> the meeting.
> Prior to the call, please either check that you can access Web IRC [5],
> which requires a W3C login and password, or install and run an IRC
> client program on the machine that you will use during the conference [6].
> QuickView Guide to Zakim Commands
>      IRC command        Touchtone    Description
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |  q+                   | 41#   | add me to the speaker's queue      |
> |  q-                   | 40#   | remove me from the speaker's queue |
> |  zakim, mute <name>   | 61#   | Mute my phone                      |
> |  zakim, unmute <name> | 60#   | Unmute my phone                    |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> A few basic guidelines will help new participants in the Kickoff Telcon
> to get off on the right foot:
> Calling in
> When you call in, please announce your name after the two tone beep that
> marks entry to the meeting. Please mute your phone immediately after
> announcing yourself. This will prevent background noise from entering
> the shared audio for the teleconference.
> Muting your phone
>  From a touch tone phone, 61# Mutes and 60# unmutes. "zakim, mute
> <name>" also works, as well as "zakim, unmute <name>". Don't forget to
> unmute when it's your turn to speak!
> Raising your hand to talk
>  From IRC, the command is "q+", which places your IRC name on the queue.
> 41# is the touch tone equivalent. This system helps to ensure that
> everyone gets a chance to speak. q- or 40# takes your name off the queue.
> [1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/
> [2] http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-06-12_Conference_Call
> [3] http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html
> [4] http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim
> [5] http://cgi.w3.org/member-bin/irc/irc.cgi
> [6] http://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/#Client

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