On 24 Mar 2009, at 13:01, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

Is "Identity" important or not? That's the question here.

But it's not a well-defined question.

But let me make a well-defined version (not meant to capture your question, but just to be clear example). In XSD, 1.0^^xsd:double is not identical (is numerically distinct from) 1.0^^xsd:decimal. For counting successors, identity is critical. For numeric equality (for a given equality theory) and arithmetic (under that theory) it isn't.

Is granularity important or not? A variation of the statement above.

I don't see how that is a variation of any variant of the question above.

303s are just about "Identity" at the datum level within the context of the Web when using a particular form of HTTP based URI scheme (the Slash based URI).

I don't understand that at all.

Should we be able to reference a datum and de-reference a representation of its description via the Web?

Sometimes? Maybe? I don't know? I'm close to not caring? I don't see the big impact on engineering, frankly, at a substantial level. It would depend on the context, the notion of datum, etc. etc.

Again, I prefer operational descriptions here. I'm being perfectly honest and as charitable as I know how when I say I have no idea what the "datum level within the context of the Web" *is*. Or, actually, why I should care about it when building an ontology.

And I am not naive in these matters.


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